Passion for Fashion Presented by Dana Auctions

от Dana Auctions

3490 US Route 1N, Suite 17B, Princeton, NJ 08540, Соединенные Штаты

Join Dana Auctions for a fashion auction spanning from the late 18th Century to Y2K! Included in this auction is a large collection of vintage hats from the Victorian Era to the 1960s, vintage Men's Theater Costumes, and Women’s Designer Dresses from throughout the 20th century. And a rare collection of latex and rubber fashion including a bustier worn by Britney Spears by Gaelyn and Cianfarani! So much to list including antique and vintage fashion for men, women and children. Accessories include gloves, purses, scarves and shawls, and MUCH MORE! Don't Miss a Stitch! 

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