LOTE 203: Pair of Rare Compilations by the Gaon Rabbi Elchanan Wasserman. First Editions. * Ikvata D'Meshicha by the gaon Rabbi Elchanan Bunim Wasserman, one of the leading rashei yeshivahs and author of Kovetz Shiurim . New York, 1939. First, rare edition. Not found in the National Library nor the ...
LOTE 204: Sha'arei Ephraim, by the Author of Mateh Ephraim. Fundamental Book. First Edition . Sha'arei Ephraim - laws and customs of Torah reading by the renowned gaon Rabbi Ephraim Zalman Margaliot (who granted rabbinic ordination to the Divrei Chaim of Sanz). Dubno, Chaim Mordechai Margaliot Press. ...
LOTE 208: Zohar Slavuta. 1799-1805. Sefer Zohar al HaTorah ... as printed in Amsterdam, leaf by leaf. Three parts: Shemot, Vayikra, Bamidbar-Devarim (the entire Zohar except for Chumash Bereishit). Slavuta, 1799-1805 Specifications of the parts: Part II: Sefer Shemot. Printed by Dov Ber ben Yisrael ...
LOTE 212: Shu"t HaRashba"sh, Livorno, [1742]. Interesting Reponsum on a PlagueShu"t HaRashba"sh, Livorno, [1742]. Interesting Reponsum on a Plague . Sefer HaRashba"sh , one of the important Halacha books. Responsa by Rabbi Shlomo ben Shimon Duran the son of the Rashba"tz. First edition. Livorno, [1742]. ...
LOTE 213: Lachmei Todah. Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Horowitz. Offenbach, [1816]. First Edition. Halachic and Aggadic novellae, by Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Halevi Horowitz, the rabbi of Frankfurt [the son of Ba'al HaHafla'ah]. On the title page: Lachmei Todah , which is the second part of Sefer Machaneh Levi . The author ...
LOTE 214: Ohr Yisrael. Rabbi Yisrael of Salant. First Edition. Contains a collection of varied letters and articles to inspire the hearts to fear G-d and to teach Yirah and Mussar handwritten by ... Maran Rabbi Yisrael Libkin of Salant. And accompanied by an article about teaching Yirah and Mussar ... ...
LOTE 219: Segulah for Wealth! Lechem Shmenah by Rabbi Menasheh of Ropshitz. First Edition. "When they say something heard from him, this will also effect abundant livelihood"! Lechem Shmenah - Torah elucidations by the Admo"r Rabbi Menasheh bar R' Asher of Ropshitz. Lvov, 1876. First edition. ...
LOTE 220: Ma'agalei Tzeddek/Mas'ot HaYam. Fundamental Breslov Book. Previous Name of 'Shibchei HaRa"n'. Ma'agalei Tzeddek im Mas'ot HaYam relating just a few of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov's customs, with the schedule of travels he underwent overseas on his journey to the Land of Israel. Warsaw, 1879. ...
LOTE 221: 'Shemot HaTzaddikim' by Rabbi Nachman of Breslov - the Book that is Capable of Changing Nature. "Mentioning names of Tzaddikim can bring about a change in Ma'asseh Bereshit - that is to change nature" ( Sefer HaMidot Tzaddik part II 20 ) Before us is an early edition of the renowned Breslover ...
LOTE 222: Rishfei Esh by the Admo"r Rabbi Mordechai of Neshchiz. Warsaw, 1873. Rishfei Esh, Warsaw, [1873]. The important and only book by the holy Rav Rabbi Mordechai of Neshchiz - one of the greatest Admori"m of all generations, the disciple of the Maggid of Mezeritch and the Maggid of Zlotchov and the ...
LOTE 223: Sippurei HaBesh"t [Yiddish], First Edition. Warsaw, 1881. Rare Book. Sippurei Ma'asiyot - Many wonderful stories from the holy Ba'al Shem Tov ... as well as from his disciples, rabboteinu hakedoshim, tzaddikim ..." Yiddish. Warsaw, Yisrael Alaphin Press, 1881. This is the rarest edition ...
LOTE 224: Likkutei Rama"l. Lemberg. Likkutei Rama"l [Rabbi Moshe Leib of Sassov] - Torah thoughts, Chassidut and conduct by the Admo"r Rabbi Moshe Leib. Lvov, 1863. Early edition of this renowned Chassidic book, by one of the most prominent Chassidic tzaddikim . [24] pp, 17 cm. Fine-very fine ...
LOTE 225: Afar Ya'akov, Only Edition. With a Halachic Responsa by the Author of 'Bat Ayin'. Afar Ya'akov , two parts. Part I: Debate between the soul and the spirit. Part II: Novellae and in-depth studies by Rabbi Ya'akov Eichhorn. With a halachic responsa by the Admo'r Rabbi Avraham Dov of Ovrutch ...
LOTE 226: Shir haShirim with the 'Or HaChaim' Commentary. Rare Chassidic Edition. Shir HaShirim with the Rishon L'Zion commentary by the author of Or HaChaim. Printed after Shir HaShirim are two new customs introduced by the Chassidim: Mizmor 'Hodu' (Psalms 107) which is said on Sabbath eve before Mincha ...
LOTE 227: Darkei Yesharim. Chassidut. Early and Rare Edition. Hanhagot Yesharot by Rabbi Mendel of Premishlan ... compiled from the mouths of the holy, Rabbi Yisrael Ba'al Shem Tov and Rabbi Dov Ber of Mezeritch, who added some of himself. Early edition. Incomplete copy. The copy before us lacks the ...
LOTE 228: Igeret HaTiyul by the Brother of the Mahara"l. Kabbalah. Zhitomir, 1857. Igeret HaTiyul, by the Divine Kabbalist Rabbi Chaim ben rabbi Bezalel of Friedberg, the older brother of the Mahara"l of Prague (whom the 'Ohev Yisrael' of Opatow himself printed one of his books and wrote about him ...
LOTE 229: Tehillim - Diglei Hodayah. Pietrkov, 1899. Segulah Book for Offspring, Health and Livelihood. "They shall be blessed with the threefold blessing - scholarly children, long life, and plentiful livelihood" (approbation from the sacred maggid of Trisk) "Good blessing shall come upon you ...
LOTE 230: Noam Elimelech. Segulah Book with the Blessing of the Rayya"tz of Lubavitch for "Protection for Success". Noam Elimelech - New York, 1942. Important edition of the renowned segulah book. Letter printed at the beginning of the book from the Admo"r Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak of Lubavitch blessing and ...
LOTE 231: Ohr Zarua. Two Parts. First Editions. Zhitomir, 1862. Sefer Ohr Zarua - legal rulings and halachahs, with responsa by Rabbi Yitzchak b"r Moshe of Vienna - one of the leading Rishonim . Printed at the press of Rabbi Chanina Lipa and Rabbi Yehoshua Heschel Shapira. Zhitomir, 1862. Two parts bound ...
LOTE 234: Teshuvat Mahary"d. First Edition. Signature, Stamp and Author's Dedication. Lengthy Glosses. Teshivot Mahary"d - responsa on the four parts of Shulchan Aruch by Rabbi Yitzchak Danzig, son of Rabbi Manish of Slonim ... rabbinic authority of Peterburg. Warsaw, 1910. First edition. The jacket ...
LOTE 236: Masechet Sofrim, the First Edition with Hagahot Hagra. Pedigreed Copy. Masechet Sofrim, with Beur Mikrah Sofrim, Itur Sofrim and Hagahot Hagra of Vilna. Suvalk. 1862. The copy of the Gaon Rabbi Meir Robinson Av Beit Din of Radushkevitz and author of 'Miktzo'ot HaChoshen'. Most of the books in ...
LOTE 238: Chavat Yair. Copy Previously Owned by Rabbi Yehudah Aryeh Leib Alter of Gur. Stamps, Signature and Glosses. Shu"t Chavat Yair , Lemberg, 1896. First edition of the Baruch Ta'am glosses by Rabbi Baruch Teomim Frankel of Leipnik, father-in-law of the Divrei Chaim of Sanz. Tradition maintains that ...
LOTE 239: Signature of Rabbi Moshe Sofer, Son of the 'Ktav Sofer' on Yipach L'Ketz - Novellae as Heard from the Chatam Sofer. Yipach L'Ketz on Sefer Shemot "as heard by the author directly from the gaon Moshe Sofer, av beit din of Pressburg (author of Chatam Sofer ) by Rabbi Yisrael David Margaliot Jaffe. ...
LOTE 240: Dvar Avraham. Dedication by Rabbi Avraham Dovber Kahane Shapira. She'elot U'Teshuvot Dvar Avraham , Part II, by Rabbi Avraham Dovber Kahane Shapira. Pietrkov, 1913. Author's dedication. The title page bears the author's dedication: "Gifted to the honorable gvir ... by me, his servant and ...
LOTE 241: Mishnayot with the Gr"a's Commentary. First Edition. Copy that Belonged to the Gr"a's Kloiz!. Mishnah with commentaries, and with the Elyah Rabbah commentary by the Gr"a. Seder Taharot. Horodna-Vilna, 1818. Lacking the title page. Owners' stamps: "The Gr"a's Kloiz Mishnayot Society" and "Belongs ...
LOTE 242: Haggadah that Belonged to the Gaon Rabbi Elazar Lipschutz, Son-in-Law of the Elder Admo"r of Alexander. Passover Haggadah with the 'Simchat HaRegel" commentary by the Chid"a. Pietrkov, 1909 - personal copy of the dayan and moreh tzeddek of Lodz, the gaon Rabbi Elazar Lipschutz, one of Poland's ...
LOTE 243: Emek Halacha, the Copy of the Tzaddik Rabbi Itzeleh Blaser Av Beit Din of Petersburg. Emek Halacha, Responsa and Halachic novellae, by Rabbi Ze'ev Wolf ben Rabbi Yehuda Mezital. Vilna, 1845. First edition. Appearing on the flyleaf is an ownership stamp (slightly faded) of the tzaddik Rabbi ...
LOTE 244: Shulchan Aruch with Ba'er Heitev. Signatures of the Rabbis of the Mansano Family of Fez. Shulchan Aruch Even HaEzer with Ba'er Heitev by Rabbi Yehuda Ashkenazi of Tiktin. Amsterdam, [1753]. On the title page, signatures of the rabbis of the Mansano family of Fez in the 18th century. Rabbi ...
LOTE 245: Kav HaYashar. Copy of the Kabbalist Rabbi Yaakov Ben Na'im, His Holy Handwritten Signature and Glosses. Sefer Kav HaYashar , one of the most important and common Mussar books. By Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Kaidanover. Early edition. Venice, [1772]. The personal copy of the gaon and Kabbalist Chacham ...
LOTE 246: Basel Aruch with Signatures. Sefer HaAruch. Elucidations of Talmudic words and concepts, with comments by Rabbi Shmuel Arkleveti. Basel, 1599. Pedigree copy. Early edition of this important work. Important signatures on the book's title page, from three countries: Germany, Italy and Jerusalem: ...
LOTE 247: Shulchan Aruch with Glosses Handwritten by Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac Bilitzer. Ashlei Ravravei, Shulchan Yoreh with commentaries. Amsterdam, [1753]. Glosses by Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac Bilitzer, and additional signatures by his family members, and additional glosses. On the first leaf, the signature of ...
LOTE 249: Beit She'arim. Dedication by the Author's Son Rabbi Moshe Nachum Blum. Rare. Beit She'arim. Responsa on Yoreh Deah. By Maran Rabbi Amram Blum one of the greatest Poskim of Hungary, a disciple of the Ketav Sofer and the successor of the Maharam Schik in the Rabbinate of Chust. He is known by the ...
LOTE 250: Will of the Author of Arugat HaBosem, Lengthy Handwritten Notation by his Son, the Av Beit Din of Chust. 'Hachanah D'Rabbah' - will of the sacred gaon Rabbi Moshe Greenwald, av beit din of Chust, the author of Arugat HaBosem , and one of the leading halachic authorities of Hungary. Sighet, 1910. ...
LOTE 251: Naggid U'Mitzvah - Kabbalistic Intentions. Copy that Belonged to the Admo"r of Radowitz, Author of "VaYikach Moshe". Naggid U'Mitzvah - Kabbalistic customs and intentions during mitzvah fulfilment, by Rabbi Ya'akov Tzemach, from the writings of Rabbi Chaim Vital, as received from his teacher ...
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