LOTE 1: Meginay Eretz. Johannesburg, 5622 [1862]. First edition of Chidushei Rabbi Akiva Eiger. Two volumes. . Meginay Eretz. Johannesburg, 5622 [1862]. First edition of Chidushei Rabbi Akiva Eiger. Two volumes. Meginay Eretz, Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim, with commentaries and with chiddushim of Rabbi ...
LOTE 2: Responsa of Rabbi Akiva Eiger Av Beis Din of Posen. First Edition. Long glosses by the Gaon of Kutno Rabbi Moshe Yehuda Leib Zylberberg . Responsa of Rabbi Akiva Eiger Av Beis Din of Posen. First Edition. Long glosses by the Gaon of Kutno Rabbi Moshe Yehuda Leib Zylberberg “The Responsa of ...
LOTE 3: Chavat Da'at – Dhyrenfurth, 1810 - The signatures of the Gaon Rabbi Raphael Shalezinger of Lasla, a distinguished Disciple of Rabbi Akiva Iger . Chavat Da'at – Dhyrenfurth, 1810 - The signatures of the Gaon Rabbi Raphael Shalezinger of Lasla, a distinguished Disciple of Rabbi Akiva Iger חוות ...
LOTE 4: Manuscript. "Comments on a reprinted book proofreading by Rabbi Akiva Iger" . Manuscript. "Comments on a reprinted book proofreading by Rabbi Akiva Iger"
LOTE 5: A Long Page with 66 Lines innovations handwritten by the Gaon Maran Rabbi Akiva Eiger of Posna . A Long Page with 66 Lines innovations handwritten by the Gaon Maran Rabbi Akiva Eiger of Posna This is a pure sheet of paper handwritten by the Gaon Rabbi Akiva Eiger, The editings and innovations ...
LOTE 6: historitic donation document - donation of the foundation stone for the dorm building for the students of the Preshburg Yeshiva - with the picture of the Chatam Sofer, the Ktav Sofer, and the Shevet Sofer . historitic donation document - donation of the foundation stone for the dorm building ...
LOTE 8: Imrei Yosher by the Maharam Ash – Eulogies on the Chatam Sofer and the "Yismach Moshe" – Ungvar, 1864 . Imrei Yosher, Drushim by the Maharam Esh. Ungvar, 1864. Single edition. Sefer Imrei Yosher, with Drushim by Rabbi Meir Eisenstadt, Maharam Esh, which were said in the communities of Baya ...
LOTE 10: MATZEVAT MOSHE – DESCRIPTION OF THE DECEASE OF THE CHATAM SOFER . נדיר! מצבת משה – תיאור פטירת החתם סופר - ומכתב מרבי מנחם מענדל מקאסוב תיאור המעמד הנורא בעת יציאת נשמתו של רבן של ישראל החתם סופר וכל הדברים שדיבר החתם סופר באותה עת . כתובות מפי תלמידו הנאמן ששהה סמוך למיטתו הגה"צ רבי חזקיה ...
LOTE 11: Chasam Sofer on the Torah, Michalovce 1939, First edition. Copy of Rabbi Meyer Eichenstein . Chasam Sofer on the Torah, Michalovce 1939, First edition. First edition, printed by Rabbi Yehosha Falk. רבי מאיר אייכנשטיין מקאשוי נכד הרה"ק רבי יצחק אייזיק מזידוטשוב. אחד מבניו היה הגאון הצדיק רבי ...
LOTE 12: Chasam Sofer. Kesubos. Satmar. 1908. First edition. . Chasam Sofer. Kesubos. Satmar. 1908. First edition. Novellae of the Chasam Sofer on Tracate Kesubos. Satmar, 1908. First edition. Two title pages. The first title page in green and red.
LOTE 13: Torat Moshe copy of the Rabbi Yisrael Menachem Braun, Rabbi of Brezowitz, the father-in-law of the Va'Yaged Ya'akov Av Beit Din of Pápa ספר תורת משה, בודפשט, [תרפ"ח 1928] עותק הגה"ק רבי ישראל מנחם ברוין אב"ד ברעזאוויץ חותנו של הגה"ק הויגד יעקב מפאפא ספר תורת משה, מהדורה רביעאי, הנקרא חתם סופר ...
LOTE 14: Toras Moshe - Commentary of Chasam Sofer on the Torah, First Print: Pressburg 5639-5653 [1879-1893] . Toras Moshe - Commentary of Chasam Sofer on the Torah, First Print: Pressburg 5639-5653 [1879-1893] Commentary on the Chamisha Chumshei Torah, according to Pardes (Kabbalistic aspects of ...
LOTE 16: Shiras Moshe by the Chasam Sofer, Satmar 1906. . Shiras Moshe by the Chasam Sofer, Satmar 1906. בסוף הספר, פסקי דין חתומים (בדפוס), בין היתר, ע"י ה"ייטב לב" וה"קדושת יו"ט" מסיגט. חותמות של רבי מרדכי דובער וואכטפויגיל מביאלה.
LOTE 18: Sefer Hazikaron, w/ Tzavah of Chasam Sofer, Budapest, 1942. . ספר הזכרון עם הצוואה ממרן החת"ם סופר. בודאפעסט תש"ב [1942]. בהסכמת רבי שלום אליעזר האלבערשטאם, רבי שלמה זלמן עהרענרייך, רבי יהושע בוקסבוים.
LOTE 19: Sefer HaZikuren With a handwritten dedication by his grandson Rabbi Yochanan Sofer . Sefer HaZikuren With a handwritten dedication by his grandson Rabbi Yochanan Sofer
LOTE 20: Sefer Zikaron – Drohovitsh, 1897 – First Edition . ספר זכרון – דראהאביטש, תרנ"ז – מהדורה ראשונה ספר זכרון, מגילת ספר כתוב מרבינו החתם סופר. מוסרים, הלכות, אגדות, ספורים נוראים שהתרגשו לבוא לעולם בשנת תקס"ט אשר כתב על הספר וקרא לו שם הנזכר "ספר הזכרון". דראהאביטש, תרנ"ז. מהדורה ראשונה.
LOTE 21: A page of Torah innovations in the handwriting of the great Gaon Rabbi David Deutsch, Rabbi of Nowe Miasto - one of the Closest students of the Chatam Sofer - two pages . A page of Torah innovations in the handwriting of the great Gaon Rabbi David Deutsch, Rabbi of Nowe Miasto - one of the ...
LOTE 22: Discovery! The signature of the Holy Tzaddik "Baal Ruach HaKodesh" Rabbi Israel Shuyer Abd Sabatisht from the students of the Chatam Sofer . Discovery! The signature of the Holy Tzaddik "Baal Ruach HaKodesh" Rabbi Israel Shuyer Abd Sabatisht from the students of the Chatam Sofer הגה"ק רבי ...
LOTE 23: A handwritten Psak by Rabbi David Tzvi Lavinger, Rabbi of Medier, Student of the Chatam Sofer - Medier 1829 . A handwritten Psak by Rabbi David Tzvi Lavinger, Rabbi of Medier, Student of the Chatam Sofer - Medier 1829
LOTE 25: A long letter from the Gaon Rabbi David Weiskopf - a student of the Chatam Sofer - A letter to Rabbi Chaim Schwartz about the war with the Reform . A long letter from the Gaon Rabbi David Weiskopf - a student of the Chatam Sofer - A letter to Rabbi Chaim Schwartz about the war with the Reform ...
LOTE 26: 2 Volumes of the Chatam Sofer - long glosses in the handwriting of his student R. Moshe Freund-Grieshaber - Glosses on his his Rabbi's Torah . 2 Volumes of the Chatam Sofer - long glosses in the handwriting of his student R. Moshe Freund-Grieshaber - Glosses on his his Rabbi's Torah Shu”t ...
LOTE 27: Sefer Mishnas D’Rabbi Akiva, Furth 1781. Only Edition. Glosses by the Gaon Rabbi Biyomin Leib Pixel disciple of the Chasam Sofer - Copy of Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac of Swaliva Sefer Mishnas D'Rabbi Akiva written by the first Rabbi Akiva Eiger, known as Rabbi Akiva Eiger the Elder, Av Beis Din of ...
LOTE 28: Signed by Rabbi Aharon Kutna, Prized Disciple of the Chassam Sofer . Signed by Rabbi Aharon Kutna, Prized Disciple of the Chassam Sofer Rabbi Aharon Kutna (1794-1874) was the son of Rabbi Yosef Kutna, ab”d of Tottis. He was a student of Rabbi Shalom Charif, ab”d of Kekenbach, and traveled ...
LOTE 29: Colorful Illustrated Manuscript Leaf - Signed by Rabbi Binyamin Ze'ev Wolf Chayut of Varpalota - Disciple of the Chatam Sofer . Colorful Illustrated Manuscript Leaf - Signed by Rabbi Binyamin Ze'ev Wolf Chayut of Varpalota - Disciple of the Chatam Sofer Colored illustrated manuscript leaf ...
LOTE 30: Rare and important! A letter from Rabbi Yitzchak Spitz - Rabbi of Kestheli, close disciple of the Chatam Sofer - mentions his rabbi "The Master of the Generation, Abdak Pressburg" - Kestheli 1839 . Rare and important! A letter from Rabbi Yitzchak Spitz - Rabbi of Kestheli, close disciple of the ...
LOTE 31: Leaf of Torah novellae by Harav Efraim Zalman Margalios of Brody - “Please mention me in your tefillos—Moshe ben Raizel.” The Chasam Sofer wrote to the Beis Efraim . Leaf of Torah novellae by Harav Efraim Zalman Margalios of Brody - “Please mention me in your tefillos—Moshe ben Raizel.” The ...
LOTE 32: Four large columns handwritten and signed by Rabbi Menachem Mendel Paneth of Deyzh, prized disciples of the Chasam Sofer Rabbi Menachem Mendel Paneth (1817 - 1884) son of the Mareh Yechezkel. He studied in the yeshiva of the Chasam Sofer for five years and became one of his prized ...
LOTE 33: A compilation of innovations on the tractate Gitin - from Harav Binyamin Wolf Lev the Sha'arei Torah and a close associate of the Chatam Sofer - in the handwriting of his student Rabbi Mordechai Stern of Neishtat. . A compilation of innovations on the tractate Gitin - from Harav Binyamin Wolf ...
LOTE 34: Rabbi Moshe Shifman-Libna - Disciple of the "Chatam Sofer" in Pressburg Yeshivah Rabbi Moshe Shifman-Libna (1811-1894, the Chatam Sofer and his Disciples, page 182) was born in Libna (Liben) near Prague. Disciple of the MAHARAM A"S in Ungver, and the "Chatam Sofer" in Pressburg Yeshivah. ...
LOTE 35: Handwritten and Signed Document by Rabbi Meir A"Sh one of the first disciples of the Chatam Sofer in his yeshiva in Mattersdorf. Baja, 1815 . Handwritten and Signed Document by Rabbi Meir A"Sh one of the first disciples of the Chatam Sofer in his yeshiva in Mattersdorf. Baja, 1815 Accounting ...
LOTE 36: Rare! Bnei Ahuva. First Edition - signature of Rabbi Chaim Yosef Fallak, of Trebitsch, disciple of the Chatam Sofer Bnei Ahuva. Three parts in one volume. Commentary on Rambam’s Mishna Torah. First Edition. Prague 1819. רבי חיים יוסף פולק (ה'תקנ"ט, ה'תר"ם) היה רב במוראביה, מתלמידי החת"ם ...
LOTE 37: Shita Mekubetzes, Ofen 1821 - Copy of the Gaon Rabbi Yoel Ongar Abd Paksh, one of the great disciples of the Chatam Sofer . Shita Mekubetzes, Ofen 1821 - Copy of the Gaon Rabbi Yoel Ongar Abd Paksh, one of the great disciples of the Chatam Sofer RABBI JOEL UNGAR, OF RECHNITZ (1800–1885) ...
LOTE 39: Account of income and expenses of the Chevra Kadisha of Dotis, signed by the rabbi of the city Rabbi "Aharon Kempner Rabbi of Dotis and its suburbs" . Account of income and expenses of the Chevra Kadisha of Dotis, signed by the rabbi of the city Rabbi "Aharon Kempner Rabbi of Dotis and its ...
LOTE 40: A historic and special letter from HaGaon Rabbi Yehudah Assad "in Rashi's writing" to Rabbi Yehuda Adut on Rosh Hashanah 1864 - One in the world! יצוין שאף שרבנו לא כתב בדרך כלל בכתב רש"י, אבל מצאנו אגרת ממנו שנכתבה כולה בכתב רש"י רהוט. צילומה נדפס ב'ספר הזכרון לקהלת דונאסרדהלי' עמ' .94 ...
LOTE 41: Signed by Rabbi Elyakim Getz Schwerin Abd Baia . Signed by Rabbi Elyakim Getz Schwerin Abd Baia Rabbi Elyakim Getz Hakohen Schwerin, Av Beit Din of Baia (1860-1852, Otzar Harabbanim 2759) was born in Schwerin, he was the disciple of Rabbi Yosef from Posen who is the son in law of the “Noda’ ...
LOTE 42: A rare ketubah - with the signature of the tzaddik Rabbi Yedidia Gottlieb Fischer - isciple of the Chatam Sofer - the elder of Admor'i Sanz . A rare ketubah - with the signature of the tzaddik Rabbi Yedidia Gottlieb Fischer - isciple of the Chatam Sofer - the elder of Admor'i Sanz הגאון הצדיק ...
LOTE 43: Signed by the Gaon Rabbi Meir Yehuda Estreicher ben Rabbi Moshe Aryeh of Kruli - 1831 . Signed by the Gaon Rabbi Meir Yehuda Estreicher ben Rabbi Moshe Aryeh of Kruli - 1831
LOTE 44: Halachic responsum Long autograph letter by R. "Zvi Hirsh Maglód. disciple of the Chatam Sofer . Halachic responsum Long autograph letter by R. "Zvi Hirsh Maglód. disciple of the Chatam Sofer R. Zvi Hirsh Maglód (Morgenstern) was a disciple of the Chatam Sofer and of R. Wolf ...
LOTE 45: The signature of the gaon Rabbi Avraham Bek, rabbi of Halitz - corresponded with the Chasam Sofer . The signature of the gaon Rabbi Avraham Bek, rabbi of Halitz - corresponded with the Chasam Sofer רבי אברהם בעק [בק] היה תלמידו של בעל 'מחצית השקל' ונסמך להוראה ממנו ומרבי מרדכי בנט. היה רבה ...
LOTE 46: Tevu'ot Shor - Zholkov, 1840 - with the extremely rare leaf of pictures. copy of The holy Gaon Rabbi Hillel Pollack of Sasregendisciple of the Chatam Sofer . Tevu'ot Shor - Zholkov, 1840 - with the extremely rare leaf of pictures. copy of The holy Gaon Rabbi Hillel Pollack of Sasregendisciple ...
LOTE 47: Autograph by Rabbi Shimon Weiner "the foremost talmid of the Chasam Sofer" & His Grandson Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Breuer on Haflaa First Edition . Autograph by Rabbi Shimon Weiner "the foremost talmid of the Chasam Sofer" & His Grandson Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Breuer on Haflaa First Edition Haflaa ...
LOTE 48: Anthology of Torah Novellae in the Hand of Rabbi Asher Baruch Perles, Disciple of the Chata"m Sofer and Rabbi of Baia. C. 1850. Unprinted . Anthology of Torah Novellae in the Hand of Rabbi Asher Baruch Perles, Disciple of the Chata"m Sofer and Rabbi of Baia. C. 1850. Unprinted? The gaon Rabbi ...
LOTE 49: Copy of The great and righteous Tzaddik the holy Rabbi Yitzchak Zekel Halevi Pollak. Tosafot Shabbat with Mahadura Batra, first edition, Zolkwa 1806 תוספות שבת עם מהדורא בתרא - מהדורה ראשונה זאלקווא תקס"ו. עותק הגה"ק רבי זעקיל פאללאק מבחירי תלמידי מרנא חתם סופר עם הגהות בכתב ידו ועותק בנו רבי ...
LOTE 50: A special opportunity! Manuscript of the sefer 'Yad Moshe' by Rabbi Moshe Ablish. Not printed. Corresponded with the Chasam Sofer - 1775 . A special opportunity! Manuscript of the sefer 'Yad Moshe' by Rabbi Moshe Ablish. Not printed. Corresponded with the Chasam Sofer The essay is written in ...
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