LOT 52: Shu”t HaRosh. Venice 1552. Copy that Belonged to a Number of Torah Leaders. With Numerous, Handwritten Glosses, Notations and Corrections. With Stamps, Signatures and Ownership Listings. Book of responsa of the Rosh, Rabbi Asher son of Yechiel of Lunel, one of the Ba’alei Tosafot. Second ...
LOT 52א: Arba’ah Turim. Sections Orach Chaim and Yoreh De’ah. Venice, 1522-1523. Daniel Bomberg Press. Signatures and Hundreds of Handwritten Glosses. Arba’ah Turim. The sections of Orach Chaim and Yoreh De’ah bound together in one volume. By Rabbeinu Yaakov son of Asher. Post-Incunabula. This is ...
LOT 53: Kol Bo. Sefer Yesod. Rimini, Circa 1525. Wonderful Copy. A prominent Halacha and customs book. Comprises about 150 simanim regarding laws and customs on the topics of brachot, tefillot, customs of Shabbat and Holiday, marriage, fiscal laws, Issur VeHeter and customs of mourning. The book also ...
LOT 54: Sefer Agor. Rimini 1525. Striking copy from the Valmadona Library-Lunzer. It is widely believed to be the first published book to receive endorsements. With Handwritten Owner’s Signature, Gloss and Correction. Halachic composition and early customs on Orach Chaim and Yoreh De’ah topics. The ...
LOT 55: Shu”t MaHarshal. Authored by Rabbi Shlomo Luria, Av Beit Din Lublin. Lublin 1549. With Signatures and Glosses. Rare, second edition copy of Shu”t MaHarshal. Rabbi Shlomo Luria, The MaHarshal (1510-1573) was a 16th Century leading Rabbi of Ashkenazi Jewry, during the era of the Rema and the ...
LOT 56: Sefer HaAgudah. Cracow 1571. First Edition of a Sefer Yesod. Beautiful Copy. This is one of the fundamental Halachic works according to Ashkenazi custom. A Halachic work based on Halachic rulings of Shas. Authored by Rabbi Alexander HaKohen Zuslin of Frankfurt, (deceased in 1348) who was a ...
LOT 57: Kabbalah. Zohar Chadash U’Medrash HaNe’elam. Cracow, 1603. Proofread by the MaHarshal’s Disciple, Rabbi Moshe Mordechai Margulies. Second Edition. A new introduction, authored by Moshe Mordechai Margulies, Av Beit Din Cracow is printed in this edition. Rabbi Moshe also corrected the ...
LOT 58: Sefer Yuchasinwith ancient signatures. Krakow, [1580-1581]. First edition with Hagahot HaRema. Impressive copy. Sefer Yuchasin Vekorot Am Yisrael, by Rabbi Avraham Zacuto, with glosses and additions by Rabbi Moshe Isserles – the Rema. Second edition of the important book containing Jewish ...
LOT 59: Gevurot Hashem. Sefer Yesod. The MaHaral of Prague’s commentary on the Passover Haggadah. Cracow, 1582 Printed by the MaHaral. First edition of the Rabbi Yehudah Loew, the MaHaral of Prague’s second book. Complete copy, including the 3 rare leaves. Commentary on the Passover Haggadah. ...
LOT 60: Derech HaChaim on Masechet Avot by The MaHaral of Prague. Cracow 1589. First Edition Printed During Author’s Lifetime. Sefer Yesod. Fundamental commentary on Masechet Avot, authored by the MaHaral of Prague. The book’s page layout comprises the Derech HaChaim commentary alongside Rashi’s ...
LOT 61: Be’er HaGolah By The MaHaral of Prague. Prague 1598. Signatures and Inscriptions. First Edition Printed During the MaHaral Lifetime. The MaHaral of Prague, Rabbi Yehudah Loew, (deceased 1609) published his work, Be’er HaGolah, at age 86. In his composition, he refutes claims levelled against ...
LOT 62: Shu”t MaHarshal Includes Rare Leaf that was Expunged from all Copies with Name of the Informer and Responsum 12. Lublin 1574. . An extremely rare and unknown bibliographic variant. First edition. Shu”t MaHarshal by Rabbi Shlomo Luria, author of Yam Shel Shlomo and Chochmat Shlomo, and one of ...
LOT 63: Chochmat Mano’ach- Supplement to the MaHarshal’s Glosses. Prague 1612. First Print. Very Rare. Glosses and novellae on Shas by Rabbi Hendel Manoach ben R’ Shmaryah. This is a supplementary book to the MaHarshal’s work, Chochmat Shlomo. The author, therefore, uses the word ‘Chochmat’ in his ...
LOT 64: Sha’arei Dura With Mevo She’arim. Lublin 1574 . Prominent and rare First edition. Printed for the first time with The Rema, Rabbi Moshe Isserlin’s glosses, and the elucidation, Mevo She’arim by Rabbi Nathan bar Shimon Shapira. Sha’arei Dura was greatly accepted as a significant book of ...
LOT 65: Tzeidah LaDerech by Yissachar Ber Eilenburg. Prague 1523. Signatures and Glosses (of Rabbi David Oppenheim?). Rare book In Single edition: Tzeidah LaDerech: Elucidations on the commentaries of Rashi and the Re’em on the Torah, as well as on other commentaries on Rashi. By Rabbi Yissachar bar ...
LOT 66: Shulchan Aruch Ateret Zvi and Nachalat Zvi (commentary on Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim). Krakow 1646-1650. First edition. Rare book that was published during the Pera'ot Tach Vetat (The Khmelnytsky Uprising). Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim, with two commentaries, Ateret Zvi and Nachalat Zvi, by ...
LOT 67: Nachalat Yaakov by Rabbi Yaakov Selnik. Cracow 1642. With numerous glosses. Sefer Yesod on Rashi's Commentary. A Single, Rare Edition. Rabbi Yaakov Selnik was the son of Rabbi Binyamin Aharon Selnik, Rabbi and Av Beit Din of Pidhaitsi, Poland. Rabbi Binyamin authored Shu”t Mas’at Binyamin and ...
LOT 68: VaYechal Moshe by Rabbi Yehudah Aharon Moshe Altschuler. Prague 1613. Copy From the Valmadonna Library. Copy of Rabbi Yedidya Tia Weil son of the Korban Netanel. Book on ethics, repentance, fear of G-d and holiness. Vayechal Moshe includes all matters of fear of G-d, ethics, repentance, and ...
LOT 69: Kiryat Chana. By Rabbi Elchanan son of Bezalel Uri Lipman. Prague 1612. Elucidation on Pirkei Avot. Rare and valuable book that has not appeared in Public Auctions. It is the ninth tractate in Seder Nezikin. Unlike the other tractates of the Mishna that deal with Halachic laws, Pirkei Avot ...
LOT 70: Talmud Bavli. Seder Zeraim. Lublin, 1618. From the Valmadonna- Lunzer Family Library. Very impressive copy of a Lublin print that survived the mass destruction of numerous Hebrew books. Seder Zeraim with the Rambam and Rashi commentaries. Complete and spectacular copy of Seder Zeraim – the ...
LOT 71: Never Seen In Public Auctions: Zeved HaMelitzah. Prague 1794. Single Edition- Copy Belonging to Rabbi Nachum Berenyu of Sadigura. Zeved HaMelitza is an imitation of Sefer Tachkemoni by Rabbi Yehudah Elcharizi. Authored by Zev Wolf Cohen Buchner of Brody, son of Rabbi David Cohen, author of ...
LOT 72: Sivuv Rabbi Petachya – Midrash Yonah. Prague 1595. First edition. Fundamental Sefer for the researching of Eretz Yisrael and Its Holy sites. The story of the traveler Rabbi Petachya of Regensburg's journey to Europe, Asia and Eretz Yisrael. Rabbi Petachya was one of the most well-known ...
LOT 73: Sefer Evronot by Rabbi Eliezer Balin Ashkenazi. Offenbach 1722. Complete Copy Including the Rare Appendages. Compelling work on astrology. A fundamental resource for calculating the Jewish calendar, and calculating Tekufot (solstices) and Moldot (New moons). Sefer Yesod. Illustrated title ...
LOT 74: Beit Meir on Even HaEzer. With Pamphlet Tzla’ot HaBayit. Frankfurt der Oder 1787 . An Important Halachic work from one of the greatest Poskim, In its First Edition. Sefer Yesod. Beit Meir on Shulchan Aruch Even HaEzer, along with a special section that boasts its own title page – Tzla’ot ...
LOT 75: Kavanot HaAgadot (Kaftor VaFerach). Basel 1581. Rare First Edition Printed During the Author’s Lifetime. This fascinating book elucidates Agadot of Chazal found in Talmud Bavli, Yerushalmi and Midrashim that are challenging to comprehend. Authored by Rabbi Yaakov ben Yitzchak Luzzato, it ...
LOT 76: Sefer Yesod: Novellae on Masechet Yom Tov and Yevamot. Basel 1599. First Edition. Exceedingly Valuable and Rare- The First Book Authored by the MaHarshah. Rabbi Shmuel Edeles’ unique commentary on Shas, including novellae on tractates Beitzah and Yevamot. Includes some of Rabbi Baruch of ...
LOT 77: Nekudot HaKesef by the Ba’al HaShach. Frankfurt an der Oder 1677. First Print. Critique on the book, Turei Zahav – Yoreh De’ah, authored by Rabbi Shabtai Katz, the Ba’al HaShach. The Shach clarifies in his introduction to his book, that he did not have any disagreements or hard feelings ...
LOT 78: HaMalachim. Set of Shulchan Aruch. Amsterdam 1698, the Year of the Besht’s Birth. Impressive Set With Original Binding. Prominent edition of the Shulchan Aruch with the Rema’s glosses, Be’er HaGolah and Bi’ur HaMilot. With many endorsements of Amsterdam’s Rabbis including: Rabbi Yaakov ...
LOT 79: Nishmat Chaim by Rabbi Menashe Ben Yisrael. Amsterdam 1651. First Edition. Magnificent Copy With Original Binding and Clasps. Includes Rare Leaves and a Portrait Page. Kabbalah-Philosophy book in mint condition. Nishmat Chaim, homilies attesting to the continuation of the soul. Authored by ...
LOT 80: Shnei Luchot HaBrit by the Shelah HaKadosh. Amsterdam 1698. The Year The Besht Was Born. Copy Belonging to the Admor, Rabbi Pinchas Hager of Bursa and his Son Rabbi Chaim Ben Zion Hager. Sefer Yesod. Shnei Luchot HaBrit authored by the great Gaon, Rabbi Yeshaya HaLevi Horowitz of Frankfurt ...
LOT 81: Shut HaTashbetz. Amsterdam, [1738-9]. First edition. Copy with 7 title pages. Shut by Rabbi Shimon bar Tzemach, based on a manuscript that was archived by his descendants for three hundred and twenty years. Four sections in a single volume. This edition has several known variants, which differ ...
LOT 82: Tikkun Leil Hoshana Rabba – special Seder for Hoshana Rabba, according to the custom of the Chonen Dal Society of the Hague. Amsterdam, 1733. . Sefer Kibbutz Tefillot, which is the Seder HaTikkun for Leil Hoshana Rabba. Based on the approbations and foreword, this is the first edition of the ...
LOT 83: Seder Arba Ta’aniot. Amsterdam, 1658. Rare. Most rare, early Prayer Book for Fast Days throughout the year. Includes Selichot for Asarah BeTevet, Ta’anit Esther, Shiv’ah Asar BeTammuz and Lamentations for Tish’a Be’av. Printed for the Sephardic community who resided in Amsterdam in that era. ...
LOT 84: Menorat HaMaor with the Nefesh Yehuda commentary. Amsterdam, [1722]. Most impressive copy in an original binding. One of the fundamental Jewish Mussar books which became known to all Jews and was widely circulated – Sefer Menorat HaMaor by Rabbi Yitzchak Abuhav, with the Nefesh Yehuda ...
LOT 85: Birkat HaMazon With Passover Haggadah. Yiddish Translation. Amsterdam, 1722. Rare Edition. Minhagim. “With numerous brachot and laws…zemirot, and commentaries…with many illustrations.” Birkat HaMazon as per the Ashkenaz and Polish custom. Includes, Birkat HaMazon, Zemirot for Shabbat and ...
LOT 86: Most Rare! Sefer Minhagim Al Seder Ma’aseh Bereishit – With Passover Haggadah. Amsterdam, 1768. Beautifully Illustrated. Rare book of customs of the Sephardi Portuguese Community in Amsterdam. Hebrew text along with guidelines and instructions in Spanish. Small book of prayers for around the ...
LOT 87: Sefer Minhagim. Rare Sefer Yesod! Amsterdam, 1723. By Rabbi Eizik Tirnau. Sefer Minhagim on Ashkenaz Jewry customs, includes customs for the entire year. In Yiddish-Deutsch translation, written in Tzena U’rena letters (Hebrew lettering). With magnificent, artistic woodcut engraving ...
LOT 88: Beit Chorin. Passover Haggadah with Commentaries of The Alshich, The MaHaral and The Kli Yakar, Rabbi Shlomo Ephraim of Luntschitz. Metz, 1767. Impressive Copy with Map. First Edition. Likely the first Haggadah to be printed in France. The beginning of the Haggadah includes approbations ...
LOT 89: Extremely rare, beautiful variant copy with colors and gilding: Passover Haggadah – The first Haggadah with copper engravings and the first that was published with a map. Amsterdam, [1695]. Including a map of Eretz Yisrael. . This Haggadah contains several commentaries: an Ashkenazic translation ...
LOT 90: Pesach LaHashem. Kushta, [1560]. Extremely rare. . A Kabbalistic commentary on the Passover Haggadah, by the sage, the Mekubal Rabbi Chaim ben Gabai, the son of the ancient Mekubal Rabbi Meir ibn Gabai. Published after his passing by his brother-in-law Rabbi Shneur Falkon. The book contains ...
LOT 91: Passover Haggadah with Italian translation. Venice 1758. Passover Haggadah, in Lashon Ha-Kodesh and Italian translation, with decorative letters and illustrations of the signs and wonders that were done to our ancestors in Egypt, the Sea and the desert. Printed for the eminent and erudite Gvir ...
LOT 92: Haggadah shel Pesach, with the Leil Shimurim commentary by Rabbi Yechiel Michel Halevi Epstein, the Aruch HaShulchan. Vilna, 1928. Copy of the Gaon Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach with his handwritten signature. Published by the Rebbetzin Bereina, the author's daughter. Rabbi Shlomo Zalman ...
LOT 93: Seder Sefirat HaOmer – Miniature (7.5 cm.). Amsterdam, [1817]. . Seder Sefirat HaOmer and at its end, Seder Kiddush Levanah published by Aharon Hacohen Belinfante. Every day of the Sefirah was printed on a separate page, at its top in Hebrew; on the rest of the page, the division of the days is ...
LOT 94: Unicum. Chamesh Megillot. Most Rare, Unique and Miniature Edition. Rome, 1580. This is the first book of the Five Megillot to be printed on its own, without any commentaries, and not as part of Tanach. The Five Megillot were printed in Bologna in 1483, although with the Rashi and Ibn Ezra ...
LOT 95: Miniature Edition. Chamishah Chumshei Torah. Amsterdam, 1680. Ornate Copy With Original Binding. Chamishah Chumshei Torah with Five Megillot and Haftorot for the entire year. Pocket-sized edition. [4] final leaves include “Shir Chadash mechudash lerashei chadashim” by Rabbi Shlomo di ...
LOT 96: Magnificent Set of Chamishah Chumshei Torah. Beautiful, Rare and unknown Edition. Amsterdam, 1770. Chamishah Chumshei Torah and Chamesh Megillot with Targum Onkeles [On the Torah]. With commentary…Rashi z”l, with a few additions of old Rashi…and at the end are Haftorot of the entire year as per ...
LOT 97: Torah, Nevi’im and Ketuvim. Geneva, 1618. Punctuated Tanach. Two columns per page. Separate title pages for Nevi’im Rishonim, Neviim Acharonim and Ketuvim. The 5 Megillot are printed following the Chumash, without their own title page. The Chapters, and every fifth verse are marked with ...
LOT 98: Bible – many glosses in ancient script. Anvirsha (Antwerp), [1565]. Plantin-Bomberg edition. Complete copy of Chamisha Chumshei Torah, with Chamesh Megillot, Nevi'im and Ketuvim. with many glosses in ancient Sephardic script on the margins of the leaves. At the beginning of each book of the ...
LOT 99: Tanach Mikra’ot Gedolot. Basel, 1618-1619. Two Volumes. Magnificent, Most Impressive Set With Original, Parchment Binding. This is a most prominent Tanach edition as it includes HaMesorah HaGedolah and HaMesorah HaKetanah in its entirety. In addition, the copying of HaMesorah has been ...
LOT 100: Tikunei Shabbat – miniature. Venice, [1793]. Rare. Sefer Tikunei Shabbat by the Ari, a rare miniature pocket edition. Written on the title page of Tikunei Shabbat: "Printed to merit the child Na'im Gad ben Rabbi Yitzchak Poah sitting in the city of Kushtandina" [the grandson of the printer ...
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