LOT 1: Ohel Moed. Venice, [1548]. First Edition. An especially nice copy. Sefer Ohel Moed, alphabetized dictionary of ambiguous words "בית ועד למלין השוים בהוראה אחת ושפה מתחלפת... אשר יזכרו בשמם גבולים נרדפים". Rabbi Shlomo of Urbino. On the title page, the stamp of the Ashkenazic Etz Chim Beit ...
LOT 2: Lot of 2 Rare Pirkei Avot Books with Ladino and Italian Translations. Printed in Venice. 1) Pirkei Avot with a Ladino translation. Venice, [1706]. Masechet Avot, with a Ladino translation. Source and translation, Mishnah by Mishnah. 41, [1] leaves. 14 cm. Fine new binding. 2) Pirkei Avot ...
LOT 3: Seder Hayom by Rabbi Machir. Venice, [1599]. First Edition in the Author's Lifetime. The First Source of the Modeh Ani Prayer. Sefer Seder Hayom, Dinim and Hanhagot based on man's daily schedule on the days of the week, Sabbath and Moadim, with a commentary on the prayers, by the Gaon the ...
LOT 4: Sefer Eliya Mizrachi – with Handwritten Glosses. Venice, [1574]. Third and Rare Edition. Commentary on Rashi's commentary on the Torah, by Rabbi Eliyahu Mizrachi. On leaf 235a, an illustration of the map of Eretz Yisrael. On the title page of the book, two ownership notations in ancient ...
LOT 5: Sefer Devarim Nechumim by the Alshich Hakadosh. Venice, [1601]. First Edition. First edition of Sefer Yesod. Sefer Devarim Nechumim, elucidation on Megillat Eichah by Rabbeinu Moshe Alshich. Edited by the author's son, Rabbi Chaim Alshich. The books of the Alshich Hakadosh (1507-1620) ...
LOT 6: Asaf Hamzkir. Venice, [1675]. First Edition. . Sefer Asaf Hamzkir, references to Drush books which introduce the Aggadot HaShas of the book Ein Yaakov, by Rabbi Zecharya Porto. Among others, the author refers to ancient works who names have almost been forgotten. The book was published by the ...
LOT 7: Sefer Yesod: Torat Moshe by the Alshich Hakadosh – First Edition. Venice, [1601]. Sefer Yesod of the Drush literature and commentary on the Torah. First edition of the famed commentary book on Chamisha Chumshei Torah by Rabbeinu Moshe Alshich of Safed. At the end of the book, indices by ...
LOT 8: Abravanel's Commentary on the Torah – with Signatures. Venice, [1579]. First Edition. First Edition of Sefer Yesod. Commentary on the Torah by the sage and leader Don Yitzchak Abravanel (also spelled Abarbanel). Edited by Rabbi Shmuel Archevolti. Commentary on the Torah in a single volume ...
LOT 9: Sefer Hashorashim by the Radak – with Signatures. Venice, [1546-1548]. . Sefer Hashorashim, Hebrew roots, by Rabbi David Kimchi (the Radak), with some reasoning added by Rabbi Eliya Halevi [Bechor] the grammarian. Section II of the Radak's famed work, Sefer Hamichlol. In his grammar book ...
LOT 10: Lechem Mishneh, on the Rambam. Venice [1604-1606].– First Edition. Sefer Yesod- One of the leading commentators on the Rambam. The famed elucidation of the Rambam's Sefer Mishneh Torah, by Rabbi Avraham de Botton of Salonika. Two sections in a single, large and impressive volume. In this ...
LOT 11: Sefer Yesod – Sefer Bedek Habayit, by Maran the Beit Yosef. Venice, [1606]. Second Edition. Several years after the publication of the first edition of the book Beit Yosef, Rabbi Yosef Karo added to his book the Bedek Habayit – glosses, comments, completions and corrections of the previous ...
LOT 12: Sefer Hachinuch by Rabbi Aharon Halevi of Barcelona. Venice, [1600]. An important Sefer Yesod listing and elucidating all Taryag Mitzvot according to the author, based on Seder Parashiyot HaTorah. "All the Mitzvot given by G-d to His people Yisrael included in Sefer HaTorah…" The book was ...
LOT 13: Marpeh Lashon and Darkei Noam. Venice, [1546]. Daniel Bomberg Press. Rare- has not been seen in Auctions. Two important grammar books, on Hebrew grammar and Hebrew poetry, by the grammarian Rabbi Moshe ben Shem-Tov ibn Chaviv. Leaf [25, b-26, a]: Tachbulah by Rabbi Avraham ibn Ezra. ...
LOT 14: Lechem Starim. Elucidation on Daniel and Chamesh Megillot. Venice [1608]. By the Rav of the Holy Alshich and Rabbi Shlomo Elkabetz- Rabbi Yosef Taitchak. First Edition. Sefer Lechem Starim, an elucidation of Chamesh Megillot and the Book of Daniel, Edited by Rabbi Shmuel ben Amram, who added ...
LOT 15: Shut Rema of Fano. Venice, [1600]. First edition of a Sefer Yesod, fine, complete copy. This is the first edition of the important book, Shut Rema of Fano. The book also introduces several chapters of the words of Rabbeinu Yitzchak Alfasi, which are the major source of the book. The author's ...
LOT 16: Me'ametz Ko'ach – Copy of the Maggid of Horodna. Venice, [1588]. Second and Rare Edition. Sefer Me'ametz Ko'ach, twenty-eight Drushim by Rabbi Moshe Almosnini. On verso of the title page, "אמר המתעסק במלאכת שמים ... אשר פורינץ" – recalling that Rabbi Yitzchak Gershon proofread the book. At ...
LOT 17: Sefer Yesod – Tiferet Yisrael by the Maharal of Prague. Venice [1599]. First Edition in the Author's Lifetime. Complete and especially fine copy of Sefer Tiferet Yisrael by the Maharal of Prague, which was published already in his lifetime. The purpose of the book is to explain the depth of ...
LOT 18: Korban Aharon. Venice, [1609-1611]. First Edition of Sefer Yesod. Sefer Korban Aharon, the fundamental commentary on the Sifra (Torah Cohanim), by Rabbi Aharon ibn Chaim. At the beginning of the book (leaf 5-37a): Brayta DeRabbi Shmuel on the 13 Midot SheHaTorah Nidreshet Bahen , with the ...
LOT 19: The First Edition of Sefer Hazohar. Cremona, [1559-1560]. Kabbalistic Sefer Yesod: The first and Rare edition of the Zohar Sefer Hazohar Hakadosh by the Tana Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, an edition based on a manuscript, with references on the margins. In the year during which, for the first ...
LOT 20: Shut Maharam of Lublin [Meir Einei Chachamim]. Venice, [1618]. An extremely rare book: The first edition of one of the most important Shut books of recent generations. Sefer Shut authored by Rabbi Meir of Lublin: "חכם אחד מחכמי הגיבורים בפלפולא חריפתא ועמיקתא סיני ועוקר הרים... הרב המאי"ר ...
LOT 21: Seder Pitron Chalomot. Venice, [1622]. Extremely Rare. Seder Pitron Chalomot, by the Gaon Rabbeinu Hai. And Yosef Hatzaddik, Daniel Ish Chamudot, Rashi and additional sages. Printed at the request of Rabbi Menachem ben Rabbi David Trinki. This book is actually the second section of Rabbi ...
LOT 22: Igeret Hate'amim. Venice [1581/1582]. Rare- Has Never been Auctioned. Sefer Igeret Hate'amim, Kabbalistic elucidation on Ta'amei Mikra. Leaf 12a: "The commentary and Kavanot of the Ta'emim has been completed…". Leaf 12b-16a: "קנא קנאתי ... על אלה האנשים העומדי’ במקדש מעט ... ואינם חוששים ...
LOT 23: Sefer Yesod: The Rambam's Moreh Nevuchim- Venice [1551]. First Edition of Sefer Moreh Nevuchim with Commentaries- Complete and Especially Fine Copy. Sefer Yesod Moreh Nevuchim, Rabbeinu the Rambam's famed work dealing with the principles of the Jewish religion and faith, with the Shem Tov ...
LOT 24: Sefer Tuv Ta'am. Venice, [1538]. Daniel Bomberg Press. First Edition. Copy from the Valmadona Library. Sefer Tuv Ta'am, on the Dinim and Simanim of Tamei Mikra, the the famed grammarian Rabbi Eliyahu Bechor-Ashkenazi. Rabbi Eliyahu Halevi Ashkenazi (1469-1549): also known as Rabbi ...
LOT 25: Collection of 4 Rare Books of Shir Hashirim with Ladino and Aramaic Translations. 1) Shir Hashirim for Passover, translated into Ladino. Lo Or Na (Livorno), [1769]. Sefer Shir Hashirim "which by custom is read on Passover", with an Aramaic and Ladino translation. The Hebrew verses and the ...
LOT 26: Torat HaAdam by the Ramban. Venice, [1595]. Sefer Torat HaAdam, the Ramban's famed book including the Halachot of the sick, burial and mourning, with the more renowned section titled Sha'ar Hagmul which published in itself many times. Printed on the last leaf is a letter sent by the Ramban ...
LOT 27: Einei Moshe by the Alshich Hakadosh. Venice 1606. Pedigreed Copy of Rabbi Yitzchak Ardit and Rabbi Yaakov Poly, Rabbis of Izmir. Commentary on Megillat Ruth (with the text) by Rabbeinu Moshe Alshich. In his introduction to his book Torat Moshe, containing sermons on the Torah, the Mahram ...
LOT 28: Sefer Mitzvot HaGadol, Venice [1522]. Post Incunabula, the Press of Daniel Bomberg. A Sefer Yesod of rabbinic literature. Special Copy in an Original Parchment Binding.Chidushei Halacha based on Mitzvot Asseh and Mitzvot Loh Ta'asseh of the Torah. By Rabbi Moshe of Coucy. This copy: ...
LOT 29: Tana Dvei Eliyahu. Venice [1598]. The first edition of Tana Dvei Eliyahu- Sefer Yesod of Midrashic literature. Copy from The Valmadona Library [The Lunzer Family]. Sefer Tana Dvei Eliyahu, an ancient Midrash Aggadah revealed by Eliyahu Hanavi Zachur latov. The Midrash is composed of two ...
LOT 30: Kabbalah Book Chemdat Yamim for the Entire Year. Venice 1763. Magnificent and impressive set of the controversial work ‘Chemdat Yamim’. Four volumes of this most prominent Kabbalah book. Printed in a special format on beautiful, thick, white ‘regal’ paper. Chemdat Yamim is comprised of ...
LOT 31: Shut Rabbeinu Nissim Girondi [the Ran]. Rome, [1545-6]. First edition of a Sefer Yesod. One of the important Shut books by Rabboteinu the Rishonim, in one line with Teshuvot HaRashba, Teshuvot HaRosh and Teshuvot HaTashbetz. This first edition is based on a single manuscript, as indicated by ...
LOT 32: Sefer Yesod: Sefer HeAruch. Pesaro 1517. Gershom Soncino Press. A Rare Post Incunabula. with Signatures and a Gloss. Sefer HeAruch, elucidation of Talmudic words, alphabetized, by Rabbi Natan ben Yechiel of Rome. One of the basic books for understanding complex words of the Talmud and ...
LOT 33: Masechet Avot. Mantova, [1560]. With the Rambam's Commentary and a Special Version of Rashi's Commentary. Masechet Avot, with the Rambam's commentary and his Shmonah Prakim. And with Rashi's commentary. The text of the Masechet is vowelized. This work was printed in the Rome version of the ...
LOT 34: Shiltei HaGiborim. Mantova, [1612]. First Edition. Sefer Shiltei HaGiborim by Rabbi Avraham Portaleone the physician [Sha'ar Aryeh]. A unique and comprehensive work on the Temple, the Tabernacle and their vessels, the Cohanim and Leviyim and their musical instruments. The book begins with a ...
LOT 35: Sefer Halichot Olam. Mantova [Mantua], [1593]. The Talmudic rules and ways of Psak of our sages, by Rabbi Yehoshua Halevi – one of the early Geonim of Algeria. Includes Rabbi Yehoshua Halevi's commentary on the 13 Midot shel Rachamim and an introduction to Talmud by Shmuel Hanaggid. The Press ...
LOT 36: Chovat Halevavot by Rabbeinu Bahya – with Handwritten References. Mantova, [1559]. Rare Basic Edition. Sefer Chovat Halevavot, by Rabbeinu Bahya the Spanush Dayan ben Rabbi Yosef, translated by Rabbi Yehuda ibn Tibbon. An edition based on manuscripts. This is the fourth, important edition of ...
LOT 37: Set of Shulchan Aruch Gur Aryeh. Mantova, [1721-1723]. Variant – with the Rare Polemic Title page. Single Edition. Shulchan Aruch, with Likutei Rabbi Gur Aryeh Halevi. Complete set, 4 sections in four volumes. Edited by the Italian rabbis, Rabbi Avraham Yedidya ben Rabbi Shimshon Basila ...
LOT 38: Igeret Mesaperet Yichusta DeTzaddikei DeAra DeYisrael. Mantova, [1676]. An extremely rare booklet on The Holy Sites and Graves of Tzaddikim in the Holy Land. Single Edition. A description of the holy places and graves of the righteous, from the time of the Tana'im to the time of the Ari, who ...
LOT 39: Darkei Hagemara. Mantova 1593. Signature of the Gaon Rabbi Avraham Chai Mussafia. Sefer Darkei Hagemara, Talmudic rules by Rabbi Yitzchak Knefenton. On the title page, an owner's signature: "לה"ו הצעיר אחי"ם ס"ט" – the signature of the Gaon Rabbi Avraham Chai Mussafia (Otzra Harabbanim ...
LOT 40: Tefillah LeMoshe. Salonika 1563. First Edition. Fine copy of one the books by Rabbi Moshe Almosnino. Drushim on the virtue of the Torah and Sefer Keri'at Shema She'al Hamitah, by Rabbi Moshe Almosnino. On the colophon, the printer, Yosef Yavetz, refers to the printing of the Talmud at his ...
LOT 41: Sefer Ot Emet. Salonika, 1565. Most Impressive Copy- One of Salonika’s earliest and most rare printings- It is highly unusual to find books printed in Salonika in such good condition as this copy. The book, Ot Emet was authored by Rabbi Meir Benveniste. It is comprised of glosses and ...
LOT 42: Sha'arei Tzeddek – with Comments in Italian Script. Riva di Trento, [1561]. Kabbalistic Sefer Yesod In It's First Edition. Sefer Sha'arei Tzeddek, about the principles of the ten Sefirot. By the Mekubal Rabbi Yosef Gikatilla. This book is the gate to the halls of Kabbalah and Sefirot, as ...
LOT 43: Sefer Or Amim, by Rabbi Ovadya Sforno. Bologna 1537. Fine, Impressive Copy. First Edition in the Author's Lifetime – with Handwritten Notations. In his philosophical work Or Amim, Rabbi Ovadya Sforno deals with the claims of non-Jewish philosophers who did not believe in G-d, especially ...
LOT 44: Shut Ginat Veradim (section I). Kushta 1717. First Edition. Signature and Gloss by Rabbi Raphael Shmuel Ventura of Izmir. Sefer Ginat Veradim, Shut and renewed Piskei Dinim based on Arba'ah Turim by Rabbi Avraham Halevi Rosh Av Beit Din of Egypt. Section I (Orach Chaim Yoreh Deah). At the ...
LOT 45: Imrei Noam. Kushta 1539. First Edition. Soncino Press. Extremely Rare. Sefer Imrei Noam, Chidushim on the Torah, "with old and new Chidushim from France [!] and Ashkenaz and additions and Chidushim by noted sages". BY Rabbi Yaakov Deliskas. The Chida refers to this book in his book Shem ...
LOT 46: Tikkun Sofrim Vemikra Sofrim. Kushta 1756. Rare Single Edition Book. Tikkun Sofrim Vemikra Sofrim, an awe-inspiring work on Sefer HaItur by Rabbeinu Yitzchak ben Abba Mari. By the Gaon Rabbi Yaakov Avraham Geron Av Beit Din of Adrianopl. The book contains passages from Sefer Haitur discussed ...
LOT 47: Yair Nativ – Signature of the Collector and Grammarian Rabbi Shlomo of Dubna. Kushta, [1718]. First Edition. Sefer Yair Nativ elucidating the order of giving a Gett, 23 Simanim. By the Gaon Rabbi Avraham Halevi Av Beit Din of Egypt, author of Ginat Veradim. Edited by Rabbi Chaim Tawil, the ...
LOT 48: Sefer Haterumot. Prague 1605. Second Edition With an Addition of References. Copy of the Gaon Rabbi Menachem Azarya Meir Castelnuovo, a Leading Italian Rav. Sefer Haterumot, a book on Dinei Mamonot (Jewish civil law), an early halachic work on which many believe the Tur Choshen Mishpat is ...
LOT 49: Peirushei Hamizrachi and Nachalat Yaakov, on the Torah. Kushta, 1726. Early and Rare Edition. Eliya Mizrachi, on Rashi's commentary on the Torah, by Rabbeinu Eliya Mizrachi, with the Nachalat Yaakov commentary by Rabbi Yaakov Solnik. With an approbation by the rabbis of Kushta: Rabbi Yosef ...
LOT 50: Zohar Chadash and Midrash Hane'elam. Krakow 1603. Complete Copy in an Original Parchment Binding. Edited by the Maharshal's Disciple – the Mekubal Rabbi Moshe Mordechai Margaliot. "Sefer Zohar Chadash and Midrash Hane'elam and Tikkunim by the Rashbi and compilation of some verses and some ...
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