April 2nd Collectible's Auction

Por The Lodge Auction House

212 Cazenovia Street, Estados Unidos

The Lodge Auction House is presenting this Estate Collector's Auction Online on Tuesday Night, April 2 at 5:00 PM EST. Great deals! Great collectibles! Great Antiques!

Make sure you bid often!

The auction event will take approx. 3 hours and you have the unique privilege to bid from the first time viewed all the way to the nights consecutive items sale starting at 5pm with #1 and ending with the last lot.

Enjoy the fun & excitement!

As always we use 3 online auction service engines to auction all items.

This is an International Event!

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La subasta ha concluído

272 lotes
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
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