Subasta 134 Special Sale no Incunables, Chassidut, Belongings of Tzaddikim, Amulets, Segula Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical letters, Chabad and Rare books
LOTE 1: HaAgur. Romny, 1523. Rare. Halachic decisions and customs for prayer, tzitzit, tefilin, blessings, Shabbat and festivals, ritual slaughter, issur v'hetter, and the laws of niddah , by Rabbi Ya'akov Baruch Landau, with the book Chazon - halachic riddles and their solutions. Romny, Soncino Press ...
LOTE 2: Tur Even HaEzer with the Ba"ch's Commentary. First Edition. Krakow, 1638-9. Exceptionally Rare!. First edition of the famous commentary of the Ba"ch on Tur Even HaEzer. This book was printed by the author in his home city, Krakow, including the author's preface and the famous "Kuntress ...
LOTE 3: Siftei Kohen - Shach on Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah. First Edition. Particularly Rare. Extensive and very pleasant elucidation of Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah by Rabbi Shabtai HaKohen Katz. Krakow, 1646. This book revolutionized halachic jurisprudence. The author brought the book to print when he ...
LOTE 4: First Edition of the Shach on Choshen Mishpat. Amsterdam, 1663. Pedigree Copy. Sefer Siftei Kohen - legal novellae on Shulchan Aruch Choshen Mishpat by the gaon Rabbi Shabtai HaKohen Katz. Amsterdam, 1663. First edition.First edition of the foundational book on the laws of Choshen Mishpat ...
LOTE 5: Two of the Most Important Books by Rabbeinu Ovadiah Seforno. First Editions. Venice, 1567. Biur al HaTorah asher Chiber Azan V'Chakar HaGaon HaShalem HaEloki Rabbi Ovadiah Seforno . Venice, Juan Garrifu Press. 1567. First edition. This famous Torah commentary is printed to this day in all ...
LOTE 6: Tanchumot El. Salonika, David Ben-Avraham Azoviv 1578. Rare First Edition. Sefer Tanchumot El - Torah sermons by Rabbi Yitzchak Ben Moshe ibn Aruyo. Sermons on the Torah in the matter of philosophical investigations by the author Rabbi Yitzchak ibn Ario, who was a primary disciple of Rabbi ...
LOTE 7: Beit Yosef, Choshen Mishpat. 1559. First Edition, Printed in the Author's Lifetime. Commentary and novellae by the gaon, the leader of the flock ... Rabbi Yosef Karo. Sabbioneta, Tuviah Puah Press, 1559. First edition, printed by the author in his lifetime. Tur Choshen Mishpat surrounded by the ...
LOTE 8: Meginei Aretz. Dyhrenfurth, 1692. Rare First Edition. Glosses. Meginei Aretz - Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim with Turei Zahav and Magen Avraham. Printed by Shabtai Meshorrer [Bass], author of Siftei Chachamim . With approbations from rabbinic leaders of the generation. Incomplete copy at the end. ...
LOTE 9: She'elot U'Teshuvot Rabbeinu Nissim Girodni. Rome, 1545-6. First Edition. She'elot U'Teshuvot HaRav HaGadol HaGaon Rabbeinu Nissim Girodni , printed by the partners Yitzchak Delatesh, Binyamin Marniano and Antonio Balodno. Rome, 1545. First edition of Shu"t HaRa"n printed per the only ...
LOTE 10: Halichot Olam. Talmudic Rules. Venice, 1544. Pedigree Copy. Halichot Olam , rules of the Talmud by Rabbi Yeshua HaLevi with an introduction to the Talmud by Rabbi Shmuel HaNaggid. The author, Rabbi Yeshua ben Rabbi Yosef HaLevi of Tlemcen, Algeria, wrote in his autobiography in the introduction ...
LOTE 11: Lekach Tov by Rabbi Moshe Najara. First Edition. Constantinople, 1575. Signatures and Glosses. Sefer Lekach Tov - elucidations on the weekly Torah portions, a list of mitzvahs and commentaries per the Ramba"m in the order of the Torah portions by a disciple of the Ar"i, the G-dly Kabbalist Rabbi ...
LOTE 12: Ir Giborim by the Author of 'Kli Yakar' - Basel. 1580. First Edition. Torah sermons by Rabbi Ephraim of Luntschitz. Basel, (Yisrael Zifroni) Press at the Ambrosio Provinio Press. First edition of the renowned book authored by Rabbi Shlomo Ephraim of Luntschitz. The author was one of the ...
LOTE 13: Siddur for the Entire Year. Venice, 1598. Extremely Rare. 'Prayers for the entire year per the Ashkenazic community custom.' Siddur per the custom of Western Ashkenaz (custom of Ashkenazim in Italy). Yiddish instruction for prayer, in Tze'enah U'Re'enah lettering. Venice, Juan Di Gara Press ...
LOTE 14: Group of Books of Prophets with Latin Translation. Paris, 16th Century. Group of [5] rare books of Prophets, with Latin translation. Bound together with separate title pages. Paris, 16th century. Hebrew and Latin.* Targum Yonatan ben Uziel al Trei Asar, Hoshea V'Yoel closely proofread and ...
LOTE 15: Sefer Einei Avraham. References for Biblical Verses Discussed in Midrash Rabbah, by R' Avraham de Ponshika. Amsterdam, 1627-8. Rare Only Edition. Each page is divided into three columns. With additional title pages for the Chamesh Meggilot, Nevi'im Rishonim, Nevi'im Acharonim and Ketuvim. One ...
LOTE 16: Passover Haggadah with Italian Translation. Venice, 1629. Many Artistic Pictures. Passover Haggadah in Hebrew and in Italian translation, with several pictures of the signs and wonders ... and the entire service of Kadesh, U'Rechatz ... and the plagues on Egypt and illuminated letters ... and ...
LOTE 17: Orden - Spanish High Holiday Machzor for the Anusim from Spain. Amsterdam. Especially Rare. Orden de Ros-Asanah y Kipur - machzor for Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur. Amsterdam, at Aharon Hisquida Querido Press, 1706. The whole machzor was printed in Spanish only, without the Hebrew original. The ...
LOTE 18: Orden - Tikkun Leil Shavuot in Spanish for Anusim from Spain. Amsterdam. Especially Rare. Orden de leccion de Tora, Nebiim y Qetubim : que por devocion deven leer todos los temientes del Señor en las noches de Sebuoth y Hosaana Raba. Amsterdam, 17th century. Siddur to be recited "with ...
LOTE 19: Arbol de Vidas [Etz Chaim]. Amsterdam, 1692. Exceptionally Rare. Arbol de Vidas [ Etz Chaim ]. Book in Spanish on Jewish halachah by Abraham Vaez. Amsterdam, 1692. Arbol de vidas: en el qual se contienen los dinim mas necessarios que deve observar todo Ysrael / sacados de varios graves authored ...
LOTE 20: Seder HaKuntressim, with the Passover Haggadah. Avignon. Important and Especially Rare Book. Seder HaKuntressim , Shabbat hymns, kiddush text for Shabbat and festivals, birkat hamazon , havdalah , hymns for ritual circumcision and other celebrations, services for Chanukah and Purim, with the ...
LOTE 21: Peirot Ginosaur by the Author of Ohr HaChaim. First Edition in the Author's Lifetime. Amsterdam, 1742. The text of Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah appears in the center of the leaf, surrounded by two "Peirot" (Ginosaur): One, 'Pri Chadash, ' is the famous commentary on Shulchan Aruch by Rabbeinu ...
LOTE 22: Chefetz Hashem. Amsterdam, 1732. First Edition. First Book Printed by Rabbi Chaim Ben Attar. Novellae on Talmudic Tractates: Berachot, Shabbat, Horiyot and Chulin. Printed with the author's preface, in which he records his life story, his rabbis and his study schedule, and adds sharp words for ...
LOTE 23: First Edition of Sefer HaTa"z on Shulchan Aruch Choshen Mishpat. Sefer Turei Zahav al Choshen Mishpat by Rabbi David b"r Shmuel HaLevi - the Ta"z, first edition. Hamburg, 1692. The book was edited by the Chacham Tzvi, who added his own glosses. Rabbi David ben Shmuel HaLevi, rabbi of Ostroh ...
LOTE 24: First Edition of Sefer HaTa"z on Shulchan Aruch - Even HaEzer. Zolkiew, 1754. Pedigree Copy. First edition of the renowned work by the author of Ta"z , Rabbi David HaLevi - one of the leading poskim of all generations, on Shulchan Aruch Even HaEzer, with the Shulchan Aruch text. Pedigree copy. ...
LOTE 25: First Edition of the Ta"z's Elucidation on the Entire Shulchan Aruch Choshen Mishpat. Turei Zahav al Choshen Mishpat by Rabbi David HaLevi, printed until siman 246 ... and now printed on the entire Shulchan Aruch. Berlin, 1766. In 1692, the Ta"z's commentary was printed in Hamburg - until siman ...
LOTE 26: Mitzpeh Yekatel by Rabbi Shaul Levine. Berlin, 1789. Sharp Polemic Book Banned by Altona Rabbis. Mitzpeh Yekatel - critique of the book Torat Yekutiel by Rabbi Rephael HaKohen Katz, av beit din of Ah"u, authored by the rabbi, the dayan metzuyan Rabbi Ovadiah son of Rabbi Baruch - this is Rabbi ...
LOTE 27: Nezer HaKodesh. Yaznitz, 1719. First Edition. Impressive Volume. Nezer HaKodesh - Midrash Rabbah with a commentary by Rabbi Yechiel Michel b"r Uziel of Halberstadt. Large and extremely comprehensive work on the Midrash Rabbah - Sefer Bereishit. The text of the midrash is in the center of the ...
LOTE 28: Mikra'ot Gedolot 'Kehillot Moshe.' Amsterdam, 1724. [4] Huge Volumes. Complete Set. Kehillot Moshe - Mikra'ot Gedolot - Torah Nevi'im and Ketuvim, with all the commentaries. Amsterdam, 1724-1728, by the dayan Rabbi Moshe Frankfurt. Magnificent complete set. Four parts in four volumes in an ...
LOTE 29: Ma'aseh Tuviah, First Edition. Venice, 1707. First Medical Book in Hebrew!. Ma'aseh Tuviah - comprehensive book about the upper worlds - the orbits and such, and the small world - the human body, and all matters of disease and cures, including surgery, by Rabbi Tuviah HaRofeh. Venice, 1707. ...
LOTE 30: Sha'agat Aryeh. Frankfurt am Oder. 1756. First Edition. Responsa by Rabbi Aryeh Leib b"r Asher MiMetz [Ginzburg] that he printed in his lifetime. He is known by the name of this book, as the author of Sha'agat Aryeh . As in the original copies, the leaves at the end that were added after the ...
LOTE 31: Kehunat Avraham. Spectacular Illustrations. Complete Copy in Museum Display Condition. Pedigree Copy. Kehunat Avraham - unique commentary in rhyme on Psalms and Perek Shirah by Chacham Rabbi Avraham HaKohen Mazanta. Eight illustrated title pages, including the author's portrait. Venice, Bragadin ...
LOTE 32: Ketzot HaChoshen by Rabbi Aryeh Leib Son of Rabbi Yosef HaKohen [Heller]. Part I. Lemberg, 1788. First Edition. Well-known elucidation on Shulchan Aruch Choshen Mishpat, with the Shulchan Aruch text. Renowned scholarly work by Rabbi Aryeh Leib HaKohen, known as 'Ba'al Ketzot HaChoshen ' after ...
LOTE 33: Kovetz Shiurim by Rabbi Elchanan Wasserman. First Edition. Rare Copy. Large volume of issues of Kovetz Shiurim - lectures by the gaon Rabbi Elchanan Wasserman, rosh yeshivah of Ohel Torah - Baranowitz and one of the leading rashei yeshivah of all generations, known by the name of this book, as ...
LOTE 34: Historic Item: First Book by Rabbi Ovadiah Yosef at the Age of 17. Rare. Kuntress Yabia Omer - first book by Rabbi Ovadiah Yosef, composed when he was only 17 years old: Chiddushei Torah B'Sidrei HaTanaa'im V'HaAmora'im al pi Sugyot HaGemara by the youth Ovadiah Yosef, S"T, a student in Yeshivat ...
LOTE 35: Chukat HaPesach. Beck Press - One of the First Presses in Jerusalem. Jerusalem, 1843. Chukat HaPesach - Kabbalistic rectifications for the month of Nissan, including: Seder Korban Pesach , Seder Bedikat U'Biur Chametz , Parashat HaNesi'im , Aravit for Passover, Shir HaShirim, Pirkei Avot, a hymn ...
LOTE 36: Passover Haggadah in Marathi Translation. Pune, 1874. Rare. Passover haggadah with Marathi translation and pictures. Pune, 1874. Extraordinarily rare haggadah. Haggadah per the customs of the "Bnei Yisrael" community in India. The title page is entirely in Marathi, except for the name of the ...
LOTE 37: Siddur Tefillat Yisrael: Gebete der Israeliten nebst Pirke Aboth. Translated by J.N. Mannheimer. Vienna, 1864. Especially Impressive Volume. With prayers for weekdays, Shabbat, festivals, and high holidays. Translations in facing columns. With Pirkei Avot and more. Beautiful siddur that was ...
LOTE 38: Di Mammes Tzava'ah. Sarah Schenirer. Extraordinarily Rare. Di Mammes Tzava'ah - book of collections for children and youth, Sarah Schenirer - on the occasion of her first yahrtzeit, 26 Adar 1936, by Gershon Friedenson. Lodz, 1936. The book was printed for the first anniversary of Sarah ...
LOTE 39: Sha'arei Teshuvah on Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim. Dubno, 1820, Two Parts - Copy that was Rescued from a Fire. "We experienced some adventures while we were printing this book, because fumes rose against us and more than half of it burned in the fire" Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim and 'Be'er ...
LOTE 40: Sefer HaIkarim - Soncino, 1485. First Edition. Incunable. Sefer HaIkarim - philosophy and faith by Rabbi Yosef Albo. Soncino, Yisrael Nathan Soncino and Sons Press. 1485. First edition. Complete copy with all the rare leaves. Printed without a title page. The first page is blank. The text ...
LOTE 41: Mishlei with Peirush Rabbi Emmanuel. Naples, 1487. Incunable. Wide Margins. Sefer Mishlei im Biur MiRabbeinu Emmanuel MiRoma . Naples, Yosef ben Ya'akov Ashkenazi Guntzenhozer Press. 1487. Incunable. The text of Mishlei appears in vowelized block letters, surrounded by the commentary in ...
LOTE 42: Sefer HaShorashim. Naples, 1490. Incunable. Sefer HaShorashim by Rabbi David ben Kimchi - Rada"k. Naples, Azriel Guntzenhauser Askenazi Press. 1490. Incunable. Printed in block letters, in one column. The opening words and the names of the roots along the entire length of the book are ...
LOTE 43: Sefer HaShorashim. Naples, 1491. Fully Complete Incunable, Including the Last Leaf. Sefer HaShorashim by Rabbi David ben Kimchi - Rada"k. Naples, Yehoshua Shlomo Soncino Press. 1491. Incunable. Printed in block letters, in two columns. Indicators for the sources are printed inside the text, in ...
LOTE 44: Machbarot Emmanuel. Brescia, 1491. Incunable. Sefer Machbarot L'Mar Emmanuel zlh"h- Machbarot Emmanuel , first edition. Brescia, Gershom Soncino Press. 1491. Incunable. The magnum opus Machbarot Emmanuel is one of the first Hebrew literary works to be printed. An important classic work, it has ...
LOTE 45: Ma'aseh Nissim. Printed on Vellum. Paris, 1867. First Edition. Scarce. She'elot Rabbeinu Daniel HaBavli al Sefer HaMitzvot L'HaRamba"m U'Teshuvot Rabbeinu Avraham ben HaRamba"m . Complete book printed on Vellum. Printing on Vellum has always been a very expensive proposition, so it is carried ...
LOTE 46: Iggeret HaKodesh L'HaRamba"n. Printed on Vellum. Amsterdam, 1928. Sefer Iggeret HaKodesh L'HaRamba"n regarding a man's connection to his wife. Special bibliophilic print - not for sale! Printing on Vellum has always been very expensive, and therefore only a limited number of copies were ...
LOTE 47: Toldot Aharon. Berdichev, 1817. First Edition. Wide Margins. Toldot Aharon - ancient matters, sweeter than honey, distilled and refined. Chassidut per the order of weekly Torah portions and festivals, by Rabbi Aharon of Zhitomir. Berdichev, Yisrael Beck Press. Magnificent copy with wide ...
LOTE 48: Set of Mikdash Melech, Commentary on the Zohar, Copy Studied by Rabbi Elazar Menachem Mendel of Lelov. Commentary on the Zohar by the G-dly Kabbalist Rabbi Shalom Buzaglo, from what he received from his rabbis, and what he brought from the words of the Rama"z with supplements per the Ar"i's ...
LOTE 49: Beit Aharon. Rabbi Aharon of Karlin. First Edition. Wide Margins. Beit Aharon - Chassidut on the Torah and festivals by Rabbi Aharon of Karlin. Brody, 1875. Chassidic words on the Torah and festivals, letters about conduct and letters from the Admo"rim of the Karlin dynasty, Rabbi Aharon ...
LOTE 50: Brit Avram. The Maggid of Zalozitz. Brody, 1875. First Edition. Brit Avram - Chassidism on the Torah, Chamesh Meggilot and the festivals, by Rabbi Yosef Moshe ["The Maggid of Zalozitz"]. Brody, 1875. First edition. First edition of the Chassidic book by one of the first Chassidic maggidim. The ...
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