ЛОТ 1: Chamishah Chumshei Torah im Peirushim. Vienna, 1794. Magnificent Edition. Chamishah Chumshei Torah with Tikkun Sofrim and the Targumim, commentaries by Rash"i, Rashba"m, Ibn Ezra and Ba'al HaTurim, and more. With the Shla"h's Tochachat Mussar and Totza'ot Chaim . Vienna, Schmidt Press. 1794. ...
ЛОТ 2: Messilat Yesharim - First Print. Amsterdam, 1740. Sefer Messilat Yesharim including all issues of mussar and fear of Heaven, by Rabbeinu Moshe Chaim Luzzato - the Ramcha"l. Amsterdam, 1740. Naftali Hertz Rofeh Press. First edition, printed in the author's lifetime. Incomplete copy, lacking four ...
ЛОТ 3: Siddur Beit Tefillah. With Important Additions. Zolkiew, 1764. Extraordinarily Rare. Siddur K'Minhag Polin V'Ashkenaz with comments by Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Henna; supplements. Zolkiew, 1764. This important siddur was arranged by Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Henna (Rash"z). It includes the Seder ...
ЛОТ 4: Tractate Berachot. Constantinople, 1802. Especially Rare Sefer. Masechet Berachot "Exactly leaf by leaf, with beautiful letters, ink and paper ... and with many good features." Constantinople, Chaim Eliyah Pardo Press. 1802. Especially rare Tractate Berachot printed on its own, not as part ...
ЛОТ 5: Fundamental Sefer: Minchat Chinuch - Three Parts. Sought-After First Edition. Sefer Minchat Chinuch - elucidation of Sefer HaChinuch - one of the most well-known fundamental scholarly works of all time, by the gaon Rabbi Yosef Baba"d, rabbi of Tarnopol. Three parts bound together with separate ...
ЛОТ 7: Rabbeinu Bechayei. Incunabula. Naples, 1492. Peirush Rabbeinu Bechayei al HaTorah - first edition of the known commentary on the Torah, that of Rabbeinu Bechayei, who commentated according to pshat , drash and sod. Printed in Naples in 1492 by Azriel b"r Yosef Ashkenazi. Incomplete copy. ...
ЛОТ 8: Post-Incunabula: Sefer HeAruch. Pesaro, Soncino Press.1517. Second and rare Edition. Sefer HeAruch - explanations of each challenging word in the Talmud by Rabbi Nathan bar Yechiel Maromi. Soncino Press, Pesaro, 1517. Important work, a kind of wide-ranging comprehensive dictionary. One of the ...
ЛОТ 9: Sefer Kol Bo. Rimini, C. 1520. Sefer Kol Bo , " Dada Bei Kula Bei " - halachahs and customs. Rimini, Gershom Soncino Press, C. 1520. Large picture of a tower with a walkway in front of it, on the title page, the emblem of the Soncino sons' press. This sefer is one of the most important ...
ЛОТ 10: Chiddushei HaRamba"m, First Edition. Venice, 1523. Pedigree Copy. Chiddushei Bava Batra MeHaRav HaGadol HaRamba"n z"l . Venice, Bomberg Press, 1523. First edition of Chiddushei HaRamba"n . Pedigree copy - belonged to rabbinic leaders who left signed and stamped blessings on it. After the entire ...
ЛОТ 11: Complete Set of Tur-Beit Yosef. Early Edition, Some from the Author's Lifetime. Venice, c. Late 1500s. Pedigree Copies. Many Glosses. Complete set of the four parts of the Tur with the most important commentary on the Tur - 'Beit Yosef, ' by Maran Rabbeinu Yosef Karo. The set is made up of early ...
ЛОТ 12: Sefer Yuchsin, Kraków, 340. First Edition with Hagahot HaRam"a. Impressive Copy. Sefer Yuchsin V'Korot am Yisrael by Rabbi Avraham Zakut, with glosses and additions by Rabbi Moshe Isserlis - the Ram"a. Kraków, 1580-1581. Second edition of this important work with the history of the Jewish ...
ЛОТ 13: Shiltei HaGiborim. Mantua, 1612. First Edition. Sefer Shiltei HaGiborim - huge work about the form of the Beit HaMikdash and the sacrificial service, with chapters on various sciences, by Rabbi Avraham HaRofeh of Sha'ar Aryeh. Mantua, 1612. Four she'arim . First edition. Unique work including ...
ЛОТ 14: Ho'il Moshe. Prague, 1611. First Edition. Especially Rare Sefer. Elucidation on the Torah and on Rash"i's commentary, and on the Chamesh Meggilot by Rabbi Moshe Met Prague, Moshe Katz Press. The Sefer is divided into two commentaries that were printed in facing columns, "Be'er Torah" and ...
ЛОТ 15: Shu"t Maharashda"m. First Edition. Salonika, 1594. Signature and Glosses by Rabbi Yeshua Shbabo Yedia Zein, Av Beit Din of Cairo, Leading Halachic Adjudicator. Sefer She'elot U'Teshuvot al Tur Even HaEzer by Rabbi Shmuel de Medina - Maharashda"m. Salonika, [Avraham Yosef MiGeza Bat Sheva Press] ...
ЛОТ 16: Tur Orach Chaim with Beit Yosef. Venice, 1589. Signatures and Notations. Tur Orach Chaim with Beit Yosef by Rabbi Yosef Karo " HaMashbir Bar L'Chol HaAretz ." Venice, Di Gara Press. 1589. Many signatures and notations on the title page in ancient Ashkenazic script. Approximately 25 handwritten ...
ЛОТ 17: Sifri. Venice, 1546. First Edition. Midrash Halachah L'Sefer BaMidbar V'Sefer Devarim , Venice, Bomberg Press, 1546. On the title page: "This book Sifri authored by ... Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, who completed and sealed it. Proofread by Rabbi Yochanan ... of Triwash ..." Rabbi Yochanan ... ...
ЛОТ 18: Beit Elo-kim by the Mabi"t. First Edition. Venice, 1576. Perek Shirah. Signatures and Glosses from the Period of Printing. Sefer Beit Elo-kim - elucidations on principles of Torah and religion, divided into three parts: Sha'ar HaTefillah , Sha'ar HaTeshuvah and Sha'ar HaIkarim , concluding with ...
ЛОТ 19: The Large and Magnificent Machzor 'Sha'ar Bat Rabbim.' Venice 1711-1715. Magnificent Copy. Sha'ar Bat Rabbim - Machzor K'Minhag Kahal Kodesh Ashkenazim SheB'Italiah with the Hadrat Kodesh commentary ... printed by request of the communities in various regions of Italy. Venice, Bragadin Press ...
ЛОТ 20: 999 - Sha'ar HaShamayim / Beit Elo-kim / Safra D'Tzniuta. Rare First Editions. Sefer Sha'ar HaShamayim U'Fetach Einayim LaVo ad Techunat Tevunat Kabbala"t HaAriza"l [R' Yitzchak Luria] by Rabbi Avraham Cohen Irira, disciple of Rabbi Yisrael Sarug ztz"l, one of the Ar"i's disciples. The book was ...
ЛОТ 21: Zichron Aharon. Prague, 1682-1683. Rare First Edition. Sefer Zichron Aharon - an introduction to Kitzur Ma'avar Yabok (Including the text of Kitzur Ma'avar Yabok by Rabbi Aharon Berachiah of Modena) by Rabbi Aharon b"r Binyamin Porish. Prague, 1682-1683. First and extremely rare edition. Work ...
ЛОТ 22: Shnei Luchot HaBrit. Magnificent and Important Edition. Shla"h Nacha"t. Shnei Luchot HaBrit - renowned sefer by Rabbi Yeshayahu HaLevi Horowitz, known as the Shla"h, after the title of his sefer . Amsterdam, 1698. Complete copy. Frontispiece preceding the standard title page with a large ...
ЛОТ 23: Shnei Luchot HaBrit. Zhitomir. Complete Set. Sefer Shnei Luchot HaBrit by Rabbi Yeshayah HaLevi Horowitz. Zhitomir, printed by the partners, grandsons of the rabbi of Slavuta, Rabbi Chanina Lipa and Rabbi Yehoshua Heschel Shapira. 1856. Two volumes. Sefer HaShla"h HaKadosh was printed in ...
ЛОТ 24: Sefer Tehillim. Zhitomir, 1858. Printed in Sanctity on its Own. Rare Edition. Sefer Tehillim im Ma'amadot with Metzudat David and Metzudat Tziyon. Zhitomir, Shapira Brothers Press - Rabbi Chanina Lipa and Rabbi Yehoshua Heschel Shapira, 1858. Lacking several leaves in the ma'amadot at the end ...
ЛОТ 25: Selichot. Zhitomir, 1861. Rare Edition. Selichot service per the custom of Lesser Poland and Greater Poland, with the HaMaspik commentary in the Germanic language spoken among the people in our country. Zhitomir, at the press of Rabbi Aryeh Leib Shapira, grandson of the rabbi of Slavuta. ...
ЛОТ 26: Zohar al HaTorah. Zhitomir, 1863. Complete Set - Large Edition. Sefer HaZohar al HaTorah by the G-dly Tanna Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai z"l, and in several places, commentary by Rabbi Yitzchak Luria zllh"h. Zhitomir, at the press of the grandsons of the rabbi of Slavuta, Rabbi Chanina Lipa and ...
ЛОТ 27: Avodat Yisrael. The Maggid of Kozhnitz. Zhitomir, 1858. Derushim and elucidations on the weekly Torah portions, Pirkei Avot and more by Rabbi Yisrael Hopstein - the maggid of Kozhnitz. Fundamental Chassidic work. Important edition of the renowned sefer by the Maggid of Kozhnitz, printed in ...
ЛОТ 28: Sha'agat Aryeh. Slavuta. Sefer Sha'agat Aryeh - scholarly halachic deliberations by the gaon Rabbeinu Aryeh Leib, av beit din of Metz. Slavuta, printed by Rabbi Shmuel Avraham Shapira. The title page reads 1832, and the approbations are dated 1833. Proofread edition. The sefer opens with ...
ЛОТ 29: Orach LaChaim. Chassidut. First Edition. Berdichev, 1817. Orach LaChaim , Chassidic essays on the Torah by the Admo"r Rabbi Avraham Chaim of Zlotchov, disciple of the great Maggid of Mezeritch. First edition. Berdichev, R' Yisrael Beck Press. 1817. Early fundamental sefer of Chassidut. With ...
ЛОТ 30: Sefer Ezrat Nashim. Copy that Belonged to Rabbi Akiva Eiger (I) and his Grandson. Sefer Ezrat Nashim - large work on siman 17 of Shulchan Aruch Even HaEzer - dinei agunot . With the Shemot HaGittin compilation by Rabbi Moshe ben Chaviv, a leading sage of Jerusalem. With three responsa by the ...
ЛОТ 31: Group of [4] Sefarim. Venice, C. 1600. Signature by the Gaon Rabbi Ya'akov Shemesh, the Chatam Sofer's Rabbi. Special Binding. "I heard something like this from the great Admo"r Rabbi Ya'akov Shemesh ztz"l - who was a rabbi in the kloiz - the large study hall in my native town of Frankfurt am ...
ЛОТ 32: Chatam Sofer, First Edition. Glosses by the Gaon Rabbi Baruch Rosenfeld of Golub, Closest Disciple of the Gaon Rabbi Akiva Eiger. "He is heard of across the entire Jewish Diaspora ... Because his sacred words are very precious to them ... In the Holy Land they are also aware of his fame ..." ...
ЛОТ 33: Shu"t Maharacha"sh. Rare Early Edition. Copy that Belonged to Rabbi Yosef Steinhardt, Av Beit Din of Furth - a Leading Acharon. Sefer She'elot U'Teshuvot L'Rabbi Chaim Shabtai - Maharacha"sh . Salonika, Avraham Ger Tzeddek Press, 1651. Rare first edition. (Avraham the convert printed only a few ...
ЛОТ 35: Kessef Mezukak by Rabbi Yoshiyahu Pinto. First Edition. Venice, 1628. Pedigree Copy. With the Mahara"m Chaviv's Signature. Sefer Kessef Mezukak - Torah sermons by the G-dly Kabbalist Rabbi Yoshiyahu Pinto, one of the leading sages of Syria in the 17th century, disciple and in-law of Rabbi ...
ЛОТ 36: Beit Shmuel, First Edition. Dyhernfurth, 1689. Pedigree Copy. Sefer Beit Shmuel with the Shulchan Aruch text - one of the fundamental works on Shulchan Aruch Even HaEzer by Rabbi Shmuel of Vodislov. Dyhernfurth, Rabbi Shabtai Meshorrer Press. 1689. First edition. First sefer printed in ...
ЛОТ 37: Patriarch of the Pupa Dynasty: Shivat Tziyon, Copy that Belonged to the Gaon Rabbi Yosef Greenwald (I), Grandfather of the Arugat HaBosem. Lengthy Handwritten Glosses. "The rabbi, the great light, the pious and faithful complete sage ..." (The Chatam Sofer, about Rabbeinu) "The great light ...
ЛОТ 38: Noda BiYehudah. Handwritten Glosses by Rabbi Avraham Ullamn, Rabbi of Lackenbach. Shu"t Noda BiYehudah Tanina , two parts, responsa on the four sections of the Shulchan Aruch, by Rabbeinu Yechezkel HaLevi Segal Landau, av beit din of Prague. Prague, 1810-1811. First edition. Two parts in one ...
ЛОТ 39: Shu"t Yad Eliyahu, First Edition. Signed Glosses Written by the 'Ohr Samayach'. Sefer She'elot U'Teshuvot Yad Eliyahu - Rabbi Eliyahu b"r Shmuel of Lublin. Amsterdam, 1712. First edition. Pedigree copy. Three exceptionally lengthy glosses appear along the leaves of the book, handwritten by the ...
ЛОТ 40: Biurim al Peirush Rash"i by the Author of Terumat HaDeshen. Venice, Glosses by Rabbi Moshe Katzenelbogen. Sefer Biurim al Peirush Rash"i on Chamishah Chumshei Torah founded by the gaon Rabbi Yisrael (Isserlin) ztz"l, author of Terumat HaDeshen - one of the rabbinic leaders of Ashkenaz in the ...
ЛОТ 41: Scholarly Revelation: Handwritten Glosses by Rabbi Hirsch Charif, Author of 'Tiv HaGittin' on Sefer 'Ketzot HaChoshen'. "A huge genius of a man, the wonder of our generation, has come to our land" (The Chata"m Sofer about Rabbeinu ) Sefer Ketzot HaChoshen , Part II - the most renowned ...
ЛОТ 42: Yalkut Shimoni. Frankfurt am Main, 1687. Copy that Belonged to Rabbi Nathan Nota Shaier, Av Beit Din of Pila, with his Glosses. Yalkut Shimoni - Chaza"l's midrashim on Torah, Nevi'im and Ketuvim, attributed to Rabbi Shimon, head darshan of Frankfurt. Frankfurt am Main, 1687. Two volumes. The ...
ЛОТ 43: Meshech Chochmah - First Edition with Glosses by Rabbi Bengis . Meshech Chochmah - elucidations, explanations, ideas, derashahs , and insights on the Torah by the renowned gaon Rabbi Meir Simchah HaKohen of Dvinsk, author of Ohr Samayach . Riga, 1927. Rare and sought-after first edition. In ...
ЛОТ 44: Sefer HaRokeach with Handwritten Glosses by the Ya'ave"tz. Sefer HaRokeach - early halachic work by Rabbi Elazar of Germaiza. Cremona, 1557. Glosses in the very hand of Rabbeinu Ya'ave"tz. Beautiful early edition of the important work, Sefer HaRokeach , one of the most important works of ...
ЛОТ 45: Discovery: Unknown Glosses on the Yerushalmi by the Author of 'Beit Meir' - Not Printed. Talmud Yerushalmi, Seder Nashim. First edition of the commentaries Pnei Moshe and Mareh HaPanim (Rash"i- and Tosafot-type commentaries on the Yerushalmi) - among the most important and popular commentaries ...
ЛОТ 46: Shulchan Aruch Previously Owned by Rabbi Yosef Zechariah Stern, Av Beit Din of Shavel. Many Handwritten Glosses along the Length of the Sefer. Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah, Ashlei Ravrevei with the Ta"z and Sha"ch commentaries and Be'er HaGolah and other supplements. Józefów, 1829. Personal copy ...
ЛОТ 47: Glosses by the Gaon Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch Berlin on Sefer Yuchsin. Sefer Yuchsin - history of the Jewish people by Rabbi Avraham Zakut, with glosses and additions by Rabbi Moshe Isserlis - the Ram"a. Early (third) edition. Amsterdam, 1717. Pocket edition. Pedigree copy. Personal copy that belonged ...
ЛОТ 48: Doresh LeTziyon by the Author of Noda BiYehudah. Dozens of Sharp Glosses Handwritten by Rabbi Yehudah Tevles of Prague. Doresh LeTziyon - derashot and pilpulim by Rabbi Yechezkel Landau, author of Noda BiYehudah . Published by his son, Rabbi Shmuel, with supplements from him. Prague, 1827. ...
ЛОТ 49: Discovery: Sma"g. Venice, 1547. Hundreds of Comments by the Maharsh"al Handwritten by his Disciple, the Author of Kaneh Binah, with Differences from the Printed Version!. Sefer Mitzvot Gadol - Sma"g by Rabbi Moshe of Koszyce, with Chiddushei Rabbi Eliyahu Mizrachi and Rabbi Isaac Stein. Venice ...
ЛОТ 50: Discovery: Work on Rash"i's Commentary by the Ra'av"ad of Frankfurt, the Gaon Rabbi Mendele of Zamoshtch. Not Printed. Sefer Magishei Minchah - Chamishah Chumshei Torah with Rash"i's commentary and the Maspik Lashon commentary in German [in Tze'enah U'Re'enah letters]. Amsterdam, 1725. Copy that ...
ЛОТ 51: Autograph of 'Nimukei HaGri"v' by Rabbi Yehudah Bachrach on the Pages of his Mishnahs. More than 600 Lines of Glosses. Volume of mishnah - Seder Taharot with commentaries. Dyhernfurth, 1783. Copy that belonged to Rabbi Yehudah Bachrach, known for his glosses on Talmud Bavli and the mishnah ...
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