LOTE 1: The Most Precious Tefillin in the World: "Tefillin shel Rabi Netantel" - Complete Pair, in Rare Condition. Examined and Found to be in the Best Possible Condition. Pair of tefillin made by the greatest sofer , the sacred gaon Rabbi Netanel Sofer [Tefilinsky], for whom giants of his generation ...
LOTE 2: Miniature Siddur with Artistic Silver Binding. Italy, 18th Century. Magnificent (stamped) silver binding from the 18th century, with decorations and buckles. With an engraving of the owner's name: Avraham bc"r Ya'akov Montala, and with the year detail. Very fine condition. Prayer service from ...
LOTE 3: Meggilat Esther. Special Colorful Illustrations Printed on Parchment. Limited edition. Artistic "HaMelech" - style meggilat Esther, with stunning illustrations of scenes from the meggilah according to Chaza"l. The meggilah is kosher l'mehadrin . These quality illustrations are printed in ...
LOTE 4: Large Sefirat HaOmer Calendar for a Synagogue, Handmade. Iasi, 1893. Sefrirat HaOmer service, written and decorated by a craftsman. Inscribed at the bottom of the calendar: "Made for the Kottress study hall here in Iasi, 1893." Signed: ""כ"י אלטר בעל מגי' מפה, אלטר חזן ובעל מגיה" Including the ...
LOTE 5: Post-Incunabula: Avudraham. Constantinople, 1514. Incomplete Copy. Peirush HaBerachot V'HaTefillot - known by the name of its author, as Sefer Avudraham , by Rabbeinu David Avudraham - one of the most prominent Rishonim . HaMechokek Dtolan Provincial Press. Constantinople, 1514. Early (second) ...
LOTE 6: Mikra'ot Gedolot. Venice, 1518. First Edition of Mikra'ot Gedolot. Pair of impressive volumes from the first edition of mikra'ot gedolot printed in Bomberg's press in Venice - Nevi'im Rishonim and Nevi'im Acharonim. Venice, 1518. Rare condition. Two elegant leather bindings. * [Part II]: ...
LOTE 7: First Edition of the Talmud: The Ro"sh's commentary, Bomberg Press. Venice, 1522. First edition of the Ro"sh's commentary!44th volume of the first Sh"as in the world!! Sefer Rabbeinu Asher al HaHalachot Ketanot by the leading sage of Ashkenaz and Sepharad, Rabbeinu Asher ben Yechiel ...
LOTE 8: Machbarot Emanuel. Constantinople, 1535. Machbarot Emanuel . Constantinople, 1535. Second edition. Written on the title page: Reprinted, proofread to the best of our abilities, and all poems vowelized. The first edition was printed during the period of the beginning of the printing process - ...
LOTE 9: Historia Tobaie. Sefer Tuviah, Basel, 1556. Historia Tobaie. Sefer Tuviah - an external book, in Hebrew and Latin, by Sebastian Münster. Basel, 1556. With the Latin part and the Latin title page. Historia Tobiae per Sebastianum Munsterum iuxta Hebraismum uersa. Una cum Scholijs eiusdem ...
LOTE 10: Kaftor VaFerach, Venice, 1548. First Edition. Beautiful Copy. Sefer Kaftor VaFerach - the laws and mitzvahs related to the Land of Israel, the boundaries of the Land of Israel and other Land-of-Israel-related topics, by Rabbi Ashtori HaParchi. Venice, 1548. First edition. Very beautiful copy in ...
LOTE 11: Moreh Nevuchim by the Ramba"m. Sabbioneta, 1553. Signatures. Sefer Moreh Nevuchim by the Ramba"m, with commentaries. Sabbioneta, Puah Press by Cornelio Eidelkind, 1553. Several antique rabbinic signatures appear at the top of the title page in different scripts. Early edition of the Ramba"m's ...
LOTE 12: Polemic Sefer: Sefer HaOmanut. Ferrara, 1556. Important Signatures from the Period of Printing. Sefer HaOmanut authored by the pious sage Rabbi Shem Tov ztz"l. Ferrara, Avraham ibn Oshki Press. 1556. Important polemic work in philosophy and Jewish faith. First edition. Early rabbinic owners' ...
LOTE 13: Two Rare Antique Sefarim. Riva di Trento, 1559. Magnificent Binding. * Kol Melechet Higayon L'Aristotlo Kitzuro shel HaPhilosoph HaGadol ibn Rushd . Riva di Trento, 1559. First edition. Aristotle's work on logic, the abbreviated version by the famous medieval Arab philosopher Abu Al-Walid ...
LOTE 14: Evronot. Riva di Trento, 1560. Especially Rare Sefer. Early Hand-Drawn Illustration. Evronot . Early work on tekufot , mazalot , and arranging the Jewish calendar, 'and the non-Jewish holidays and the day the Christians call ...' by Ya'akov Markriah. Riva di Trento, 1560. Rare sefer . ...
LOTE 15: Pirkei Moshe. Commentary on Tractate Avot, by Moshe Almosnino. Salonika, 1563. Rare First Edition. Pirkei Moshe - commentary on Tractate Avot by Rabbi Moshe Almosnino. Salonika, 1563. Rare first edition. With the text of Tractate Avot. Refer to the Hebrew catalog text for a brief biography ...
LOTE 16: Mahalach Shvilei HaDa'at. Mantua, 1563. With the Rare Leaves. Sefer Mahalach Shvilei HaDa'at on the study of vowelization by Rabbi Moshe Kimchi, with a commentary by Rabbi Eliyahu HaBachur. Mantua, 1563. Pedigree copy. Composition in the form of a (vowelized) poem on the art of vowelization ...
LOTE 17: Beit Yosef, Yoreh Deah, Venice, 1574. Glosses Handwritten by a Disciple of the Rama"s!. Tur Yoreh Dea with the Beit Yosef Commentary. Di Gara Press, 1574. With handwritten glosses by a disciple of the Ram"a! Early edition of the important halachic work Beit Yosef printed in the lifetime of ...
LOTE 18: Moshia Chosim. Kabbalistic Work on Being Saved from a Deathly Plague. Venice, 1587. Rare Only Edition. Sefer Moshia Chosim - a small drush that includes a cure for the plague, Heaven forbid, with the secret of depositing worlds by the youth Avraham Yagel... with the Pitum HaKetoret service ...
LOTE 19: Haggadat Zevach Pesach. Bistritz, 1592. The Only Hebrew Book Printed in Bistritz. Especially Rare. Sefer Zevach Pesach , Passover haggadah, with a commentary by Rabbi Yitzchak Abarbanel. Bistritz, Kalonymus ben Mordechai Jaffe Press, 1592. Incomplete copy.The only Hebrew book printed in ...
LOTE 20: Torat HaChatat by the Ram"a. Early Edition. Kraków, 1591. Zot Torat HaChatat , renowned work by Rabbeinu Moshe Isserlis - the Ram"a, on the halachahs of issur v'hetter and the halachahs of niddah . Yitzchak MeProssnitz Press, 1591. Third edition, printed less than twenty years after the passing ...
LOTE 21: Torat HaChatat, Ram"a, Hanau, 1628. Zot Torat HaChatat - renowned work by Rabbi Moshe Isserlis - the Ram"a, on the halachahs of issur v'hetter and hilchot niddah . Hanau, 1628. Early, prrofread edition of this important work, a cornerstone of the Ram"a's comments on Shulchan Aruch Yoreh ...
LOTE 22: Torah, Nevi'im, Ketuvim. Leiden, 1610. Pocket Format. Chamishah Chumshei Torah, Nevi'im Rishonim, Nevi'im Acharonim and Ketuvim. Leiden, Frankishkosh Rupplingaush Sons Press. 1610. Beautiful pocket format Tanach. Not vowelized. Each fifth verse is marked with a letter. Special title pages for ...
LOTE 23: Amudei Shesh, by the Author of 'Kli Yakar.' Prague, 1617. First Edition. Especially Rare. Amudei Shesh , drushim and words of mussar divided into six "pillars": Torah, Avodah, Gemillut Chassadim, Din, Emet and Shalom. Each amud is divided into chapters. Authored by Rabbi Shlomo Ephraim ...
LOTE 24: Yemin Moshe. Mantua. Rare First Edition. Yemin Moshe - glosses on the Shulchan Aruch - halachahs of shechitot, bedikot and treifot by Rabbi Yosef Ventura. Mantua, 1624. Rare first edition. With the Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah text, simanim 1-60. The sefer was printed several times; this is ...
LOTE 25: Ein Ya'akov. Beit Yisrael. Venice, 1625. Hundreds of Lines of Glosses. Set of two volumes - very early edition of the renowned sefer, Ein Ya'akov , an anthology of all of Chaza"l's aggadot , by Rabbi Ya'akov ibn Chaviv, with many commentaries and novellae printed here for the first time. In this ...
LOTE 26: Edut Ya'akov. Hanau, 1628. Only Edition. Especially Rare. Edut Ya'akov - Indications of the 613 mitzvot using the letters of the Ten Commandments, by Rabbi Ya'akov bar Yekutiel Kapman z"l. Hanau, 1628. Only edition. Small and interesting composition. The author wrote out all 613 mitzvahs ...
LOTE 27: Shulchan Aruch. Hanau, 1627-1628. Four Parts. Shulchan Aruch with glosses by Rabbi Moshe Isserlis z"l and with the addition of the source of the glosses from Sefer Darkei Moshe . Hanau. 1627-1628. Four parts. Rare early edition of the four parts of Shulchan Aruch. This is actually the first ...
LOTE 28: Tana"ch. Venice, 1633-1634. Exceptionally Rare. Tana"ch, with explanations of foreign words in Ladino under order of the Commisarry of the Minister Juan Vinderman, by the craftsman Pekido Juani Colioni Venice, Vinderman Press. 1633-1634. Two volumes: Nevi'im, Ketuvim. Exceptionally Rare. ...
LOTE 29: First Printing: Shnei Luchot HaBrit. Amsterdam, 1648-1649. Partial Copy. Including the Renowned "Tefillat HaShla"h". Sefer Shnei Luchot HaBrit by the gadol v'kadosh hadorot , the G-dly Kabbalist Rabbeinu Yeshayah HaLevi Horowitz, known as "HaShla"h HaKadosh" after this sefer . Amsterdam, Emanuel ...
LOTE 30: Sefer Yessod: Chelkat Mechokek on Shulchan Aruch. Kraków, 1670. Rare First Edition. Beautiful Copy. Shulchan Aruch MiTur Even HaEzer, with the Chelkat Mechokek elucidation by Rabbi Meir Lima, av beit din of Vilna and Brisk. Kraków, 1670. Rare sefer . To the best of our knowledge, a complete copy ...
LOTE 31: Yessod Yosef, Kabbalah. Frankfurt am Oder, 1679. Rare First Edition. Signature. Sefer Yessod Yosef , Kabbalistic tikkun keri by Kabbalist Rabbi Yosef bar Shlomo Klapera of Poznań, disciple of Mahara"m Popirash. Frankfurt am Oder, 1679. Important fundamental sefer , rare first edition. Ginzei ...
LOTE 32: "HaMalachim" Shulchan Aruch, Amsterdam, in the Year נח"ת - When the Ba'al Shem Tov was Born. Magnificent Complete Set in Small Format. Shulchan Aruch with Hagahot HaRam"a and Be'er HaGolah , and word explanations, very carefully considered and proofread. With many approbations given for this ...
LOTE 33: Orden - Spanish High Holiday Machzor for the Anusim from Spain. Amsterdam. Especially Rare. Orden de Ros-Asanah y Kipur - machzor for Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur. Amsterdam, at Aharon Hisquida Querido Press, 1726. The whole machzor was printed in Spanish only, without the Hebrew original. The ...
LOTE 34: Messilat Yesharim - First Printing. Amsterdam, 1740. Fundamental sefer of mussar and Divine service, printed thereafter in hundreds of editions! Sefer Messilat Yesharim - including all topics in mussar and fear of Hashem, by Rabbeinu Moshe Chaim Luzzato - the Ramcha"l. Amsterdam, 1740. ...
LOTE 35: Etz Avot by the Ya'avetz. 1751. First Edition, in the Author's Lifetime. Rare Sefer. Sefer Etz Avot is one of the most important commentaries on Tractate Avot. It was authored by Rabbi Ya'akov Emden, one of the spiritual giants to have arisen among the Jewish people. Amsterdam, 1751. First ...
LOTE 36: Especially Rare: Chen Tov. Chassidic Approbations. Koritz, 1780 - Printed at the Same Time and in the Same Place as the First Chassidic Sefer Ever. Sefer Chen Tov by the great gaon Rabbi Hillel b"r Aharon av beit din of Kapust. Part I, on Talmudic topics; Part II, on Tractate Avot. Koritz, R' ...
LOTE 37: Siddur Rabbi Shabtai of Rashkov - Rare First Edition of the First Chassidic Siddur in the World. Siddur Tefillah L'Kol HaShanah im Kavvanot HeAr"i . Siddur in the Sephardic nusach with the Ar"i's intentions and conduct; intentions and yichudim from the G-dly Ba'al Shem Tov, with glosses and ...
LOTE 38: Sefer HaMakneh by the Ba'al Hafla'ah, and Machaneh Levi by his Son. First Edition. Sefer HaMakneh - Part II of Sefer Hafla'ah , novellae on Tractate Kiddushin and the related halachahs by Rabbi Pinchas HaLevi Horowitz, rabbi of Frankfurt. Offenbach, 1801. First edition. Printed and bound with: ...
LOTE 39: First Haggadah Printed in India: Haggadah shel Pesach. Calcutta, 1841. Rare. Haggadah shel Pesach K'Minhag Bnei Baghdad B'Hodu , with Pesach Meubin by Rabbi Chaim Benveniste, and with a Judeo-Arabic translation by the printer, Rabbi Elazar HaKohen Eraki. Calcutta, Elazar ben Aharon Sa'adiah ...
LOTE 40: Sefer Tikkun HaLaylah V'Tikkun HaYom. Sabbatean Work. Especially Rare. Sefer Tikkun HaLaylah V'Tikkun HaYom , daily study by faithful Jews in Izmir and across the Diaspora. Salonika, 1801. Sabbatean book. Sabbatean tikkun , edited by Natan HaAzati. Including some Psalms and other biblical ...
LOTE 41: Kitzur Shulchan Aruch. Second Edition, Printed by the Author. Exceptionally Rare. Kitzur Shulchan Aruch by Rabbi Shlomo Gantzfried, second edition with many supplements and revisions by the author. Lemberg, by Avraham Nissan Ziss. 1866. Second edition of this renowned sefer , first printed by ...
LOTE 42: Siddur Beit El, with Russian Translation. Kobe [Japan], 1920. The Only Hebrew Book Printed in Kobe, Japan. Siddur Beit El - siddur with Russian translation by Asher Wohl, Sputnik Press. Kobe [Japan]. 1920. Siddur for the entire year, with the Passover haggadah, all the laws of Passover, and ...
LOTE 43: The Chid"a's Copy of Ohr Olam: Ma'amar Kaddishin. Only Edition. The Chid"a's Signature Appears on the Title Page. Sefer Ma'amar Kaddishin on Shulchan Aruch Choshen Mishpat, by Rabbi Kyam Kaddish son of Rabbi Kyam Kaddish. Prague, 1764. Only edition. Personal copy of the light of the world ...
LOTE 44: Kessef Mishneh, Hafla'ah and Zera'im. First Edition. Copy that Belonged to Rabbi Yehudah Diwan. Signed Gloss in his Hand. Sefer Mishneh Torah L'HaRamba"m , Part III - Sefer Hafla'ah and Sefer Zera'im . The Ramba"m's text is printed in the center of the leaf. It is surrounded by the 'Kessef ...
LOTE 46: Author's Copy: Ahavat Chessed by the Chafetz Chaim. Lengthy Handwritten Gloss. . Three sefarim by the rabbi and light of the Jewish people, Rabbi Yisrael Meir HaKohen, author of Chafetz Chaim : Sefer Chafetz Chaim by whose name he is forever known; Sefer Shemirat HaLashon and Sefer Ahavat ...
LOTE 47: "Great among Giants": Sefer Be'er Sheva. Copy that Belonged to the Leader of Hungarian Jewry, the Mahara"m A"sh. Lengthy Handwritten Glosses. "The gaon Mahara"m ztz"l was the greatest disciple of my father, the light of the exile, the sacred gaon, ztz"l, the best of the best of his disciples in ...
LOTE 48: Chut HaShani, Early Edition of the First Printing! Rare Copy from the Library of Rabbi David Oppenheim, Av Beit Din of Prague. Sefer Chut HaShani , responsa by Rabbi Moshe Shimshon Bachrach and Rabbi Avraham Shmuel Bachrach. Published by their son/grandson Rabbi Yair Bachrach (author of Chavat ...
LOTE 49: Sefer Meirat Einayim. Copy that Belonged to the Gaon Rabbi Hillel Lichtenstein of Kolomyya. With his Signature. Sefer Meirat Einayim on examination of the lung, by Rabbi Mordechai Zeev Ittinga and Rabbi Yosef Shaul Nathansohn. Zolkiew, 1842. Second edition, with revisions and supplements from ...
LOTE 50: Fundamental Sefer - Beit Meir by the Gaon Rabbi Meir Posner, with a Gloss in his Hand. Sefer Beit Meir - elucidations and rulings on Shulchan Aruch Even HaEzer, by the gaon Rabbi Meir Posner, av beit din of Mezeritch and Danzig. With a special part with a dedicated title page - Tzla'ot HaBayit ...
LOTE 51: Simlah Chadashah. Copy that Belonged to the Leading Geonim of Hungary: Rabbi Daniel Prostitz, Rabbi Zussman Sofer and Others. Sefer Simlah Chadashah, Tevuot Shor U'Bechor Shor , among the most important sefarim on the laws of ritual slaughter, by the gaon Rabbi Alexander Sender Schorr. Vienna ...
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