Art and Judaica
Ben yehuda 168 tel aviv israel
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The "Art and Judaica" auction house is an auction house that sells collectibles in the field of Judaica and art.
The auction house owners have extensive knowledge in the field and in fact passed down from generation to generation in the family.
Among other things, items will be put up for sale at convenient initial sales in order to allow you the "bidders" to determine the right price for each item.
The auction house store is located at 13 Idelson Street, Tel Aviv-Yafo.
For any questions or inquiries you can contact us at the email address -
Or by phone -
Assaf - 972547605564+
Anav - 972507818059+
If there is no answer, it is always possible to send WhatsApp.
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Art and Judaica - Vente 19
A lithograph by Marc Chagall, rare items from the Far East, Natsuka and various Japanese glyphs, and a variety of other interesting items, daum Nancy france.
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(972) 73-3744453
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