Life line

אני מעוניין לקבל מבית המכירות Life line התראות על מכירות חדשות

The position of the Life Line Foundation is to awaken in people a desire to become participants in charitable projects. We do not build our activities on sad stories, we do not try to put pressure on pity. We strive to raise funds as positively as possible and are confident that good deeds should be done with a smile on our face and a good mood. It is important to make sure that everyone, regardless of their financial situation and age, has the opportunity to help.

The funds transferred by you will be used for the program activities of the charitable foundation, namely: payment for medical instruments and operations, the purchase of medical equipment for Russian hospitals and financing of medical research. The administrative expenses of the Life Line Foundation are covered from other sources, as required by legislative regulation in Russia and other countries

צור קשר עם בית המכירות
כתובת מייל
+7 9265615055
+7 903 130-38-74

מעוניין לקבל התראה על מכירות חדשות של Life line?  הגדרת התראות

מכירות שהסתיימו

Life line - מכירה 1
