Year End Sale Day 2
Por Atlee Raber Auction
17020 Dover Road Dundee, OH 44624, Estados Unidos
Antiques and Advertising
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LOTE 1210:

Spectacular American National pedal fire truck

Vendido por: $6 250
Preço inicial:
$ 25
Preço estimado :
$25 - $5 000
Comissão da leiloeira: 24%
IVA: 6.75% Sobre a comissão apenas
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28.12.22 em Atlee Raber Auction

Spectacular American National pedal fire truck
A truly incredible pedal fire truck out of the former Dan Hardesty Museum!! Fixed with accessories including hose reel and child mannequin wearing OshKosh overalls. Does have some spots on paint that could probably be waxed out but overall is truly a magnificent piece with great detailed pinstriping and graphics!! Approximately 64 in long