Аукцион 25 Auction on the eve of Passover 5782. Special and diverse auction of items on all Judaica topics
6 Shlomo Hamelech Street, Bnei Brak, Израиль

Special and varied sale
Maran Sar haTorah Rabbi Chaim Kanevsky - protection coins and Hanukkah - The bed of the Squire Rebbe's in israel - Hasidut – Gur – Biale – Chabad - Passover Haggadot and megilot Esther - Judaica artifacts and paintings - prayer books - Wine and beverages - Banknotes, coins, medals and stamps - Israel and Zionism - Holocaust, She'erit HaPleita and Shanghai – Babylonian Talmud, Mishnayot and Halacha - Various books and paperwork - Kabbalah and Mussar - Ladino - Newspapers on Israel's greats - Signatures, stamps, dedications and glosses - Manuscripts and letters of rabbis, Admors and Kabbalists

pay attention!! The dollar rate for this auction is NIS 3.3 or the representative rate, whichever is higher !!!
Аукцион закончен

ЛОТ 2:

A segulah for all types of yeshuos. Yayn hasiyumim, blessed wine from the Siyum Bavli and Yerushalmi conducted by ...

Продан за: $200
Стартовая цена:
$ 200
Комиссия аукционного дома: 25% Далее
НДС: 17% Только на комиссию
Аукцион проходил 7.4.22 в BRAND AUCTIONS

A segulah for all types of yeshuos. Yayn hasiyumim, blessed wine from the Siyum Bavli and Yerushalmi conducted by Maran Sar HaTorah Hagaon Harav Chaim Kanievsky, ztvk"l.

Pasted to the back of the bottle is a letter from Rebbetzin Batsheva Kanievsky, who writes, "The wine of the siyumim conducted by the Rav, shlit"a, is known to be auspicious for all types of salvation, and in the zechus of the tzedakah, may you merit all the blessings and may Hashem fulfill all your desires l'tovah."

המסוגל לכל הישועות. יין הסיומים, יין מבורך מסיום בבלי וירושלמי של מרן שר התורה הגאון רבי חיים קנייבסקי זצוק"ל.

בגב הבקבוק מכתב (מודפס ומודבק על הבקבוק) מאת הרבנית בת שבע קנייבסקי אשר כותבת "יין הסיומים של הרב שליט"א אשר ידוע כמסוגל לכל הישועות ובזכות הצדקה תזכו לכל הברכות וימלא ד' כל משאלותיכם לטובה".