מכירה פומבית 7
Century Art
г. Москва, ул. Садовая-Кудринская д.25, “Антикварный центр”, второй этаж, оф.207, רוסיה
המכירה הסתיימה

פריט 5:

Лайдон Александр Фрэнсис
Йоркшир. Эштон-холл. Из книги Ф.О. Морриса «Серия ...

  לפריט הקודם
לפריט הבא 

מחיר פתיחה:
2,000 p
עמלת בית המכירות: 17%
תגיות: ציורים

Йоркшир. Эштон-холл. Из книги Ф.О. Морриса «Серия живописных видов аристократических владений Великобритании и Ирландии»

Датируется 1884 г.

16,7 х 20,8 см (в свету)

Бумага, цветная литография (метод Бакстера). 

(рама под стеклом с паспарту)

Лайдон, Александр Фрэнсис (1836-1917) (художник и литограф)

Английская школа

Published in Francis Orpen Morris's, A Series of Picturesque Views of Seats of the Noblemen & Gentlemen of Great Britain and Ireland Mounted..., in 1884. The straightforward but thoroughly attractive plates were drawn by Alexander Francis Lydon (1836-1917) and printed from colored woodblocks by the Baxter process by Benjamin Fawcett (1808-1893) of Driffield, Yorkshire unmounted
Eshton Hall, formerly the residence of the “De Esshetons” (Ranulf de Eston was living in 1186, and John de Eston contested the right to the Earldom and estates of Albemarle with King Edward the First), passed into the Clifford property, and was sold by George, Earl of Cumberland, in 1597, to Robert Bindloss, Esq., of Borick, and in 1646 the hall, estate, and manor were sold by Sir Robert Bindloss, Bart., to Mathew Wilson, of Kendal, a merchant clothier, and Blackwell Hall, factor, of Coleman Street, in the City of London, ancestor of the present owner. The house, rebuilt by his father in 1825-6, from designs by the late George Webster, of Kendal, architect, is of white freestone, on an eminence that commands a beautiful home view, is entered by a portal consisting of massive piers, faced with Doric on the basement, and surrounded by Ionic pilasters, finishing at the summit by a pierced battlement, and rich scroll-work. The entrance is thirty feet by twenty feet, opening by folding doors on a handsome saloon; staircase of carved oak, thirty feet square, lighted by a dome; on the right the dining-room, thirty-six feet by twenty-four feet; beyond this the morning-room, twenty feet square; on the left the library, forty feet by twenty-four feet, with a bay-window, and communicating by folding doors with the drawing-room, thirty-four feet by twenty-four feet, with a bay window; all these rooms are sixteen feet high. The billiard-room is behind the staircase, thirty feet by twenty feet, opening into the staircase and into the drawing-room, and by the bay-window into the flower garden. The library and drawing-room fitted up as a library, contain ten thousand volumes, especially rich in topography, collected by the late Miss Richardson-Currer, Sir Mathew Wilson’s half-sister. There are portfolios of engravings, articles of vertu in marble, bronze, nola vases, cabinets, and china; a good collection of pictures by old masters, and family portraits.
Lydon, Alexander Francis – английский художник-акварелист, гравер. Натуралист, пейзажист. Известен иллюстрациями на тему естественной истории, ботаники. Родился в 1836 г. Работал в г. Дриффилде (англ. Driffield) в Йоркшире для издательства Бенджамина Фоссета (англ. Fawcett, Benjamin). Умер в 1917 г.

  לפריט הקודם
לפריט הבא 