May 18 Guns & Ammo - Saturday
Par Donley Auctions
8512 South Union Road, Union, IL 60180, États-Unis
Check back often...we are adding more lots and photos daily. This Saturday, May 18 Gun Auction is filled with great items! We have several great US Military firearms such as 1930's Garands, M1 Carbines and a Remington-Lee 1899 and a WWII Springfield 1911A1I Several fantastic shotguns from Browning, Parker Bros and others. Hunting rifles from Kimber, Remington and Winchester to name a few. As always, we have a couple safes, TONS (literally) of ammo, reloading gear, accessories and anything else you need.

LOT 1101:

Nat. Postal Meter M1 Carbine 30 Rifle (C) 4113767

Vendu pour: $1 100
Prix de départ:
$ 700
Prix estimé :
$1 200 - $2 500
Commission de la maison de ventes: 23% Plus de détails
TVA: 7.25% Sur le prix complet du lot + la commission
Les utilisateurs venant de pays étrangers peuvent être exempts de payer des taxes, selon les réglementations de taxation correspondantes
18.5.24 à Donley Auctions

Nat. Postal Meter M1 Carbine 30 Rifle (C) 4113767
National Postal Meter M1 Carbine Last Variation 30 carbine Rifle in excellent condition with minor wear. The stock has no cartouches, has an Underwood barrel with "1944" & bomb also "R1115 SVV1101", rear adjustable sight with a "H" on a shield, toggle safety, mag release with a 'M' and "WA", barrel band with an "A" in a circle, front sight with a "N" in a square, Comes with a canvas sling, canvas US case, commercial case, 56rds ammo, 4x 15rd magazines, 2x 25rd magazines and a double US canvas mag pouch. MFG 1943-44 C&R Eligible S/N:4113767