Auktion 515 Private Collection
Von Ecléctica Leilões
Rua Luísa Todi 12G | 2925-568 Azeitão, Portugal

Conditions reports on request.


July 13 and 14th

Calçada do Combro, 50, 1200-115 Lisbon (Portugal)

11h00-13h00 and 14h30-19h00

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LOS 15:

COUTINHO (Gonçalo). DISCVRSO da Iornada de D. Gonçalo Covtinho à villa de Mazagam, e sev governo nella / composto ...

Verkauft für: €600
Geschätzter Preis :
€150 - €250
Auktionshaus-Provision: 17%
MwSt: 23% Nur auf die Provision!
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14.7.23 bei Ecléctica Leilões

COUTINHO (Gonçalo). DISCVRSO da Iornada de D. Gonçalo Covtinho à villa de Mazagam, e sev governo nella / composto pello mesmo D. Gonçalo Covtinho. Em Lisboa. 1629.
COUTINHO (Gonçalo)
DISCVRSO da Iornada de D. Gonçalo Covtinho à villa de Mazagam, e sev governo nella / composto pello mesmo D. Gonçalo Covtinho. Em Lisboa: Por Pedro Craesbeeck, 1629.

8.º; +4, A-X8, Y4; [4], 174 ff.; 190 mm.

FIRST edition of this extremely rare work on the journey and government of King Gonçalo da Cunha in Mazagão. A work of great esteem, as soon as it was approved by the Holy Office, it was praised by Fr. Melchior d'Abreu who writes “is so learned, and with such an excellent style that they can follow him well, and imitate all those who consider themselves good historians”, also referring to him António de Sousa Macedo in his “Flores from Spain”. D. Gonçalo Coutinho, a personal friend of Luís de Camões and his admirer whom he often received at his home, a man of study, ended up being called to the government of the square of Arzila first and then Mazagão, having been elected governor and captain general of that African square “where the armed and unarmed cunning of the Moors always triumphed, crowning themselves with double laurels in land conflicts as well as in sea combats” [Barbosa].

¶ Barbosa, II, p. 392; Inocêncio, III, p. 155; Vilhena, II, 37; Samodães, 945, com falta do frontispício.