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MELO (Francisco Manuel de). EL FENIS de Africa. Agustino Aurelio, Obispo Hypponense hallado entre las immortales ...

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MELO (Francisco Manuel de). EL FENIS de Africa. Agustino Aurelio, Obispo Hypponense hallado entre las immortales ceniças de su memoria. En Lisboa. 1648

MELO (Francisco Manuel de)
EL FENIS de Africa. Agustino Aurelio, Obispo Hypponense hallado entre las immortales ceniças de su memoria. En Lisboa: Por Pablo Craesbeeck, 1648.

2 v.: ¶12, A-Z8, Aa-Dd8, Ee4, [12], 220 ff.; []8, A-Z8, Aa-Ee8, Ff4, [16], 228 ff.; 140 mm.

FIRST EDITION. Very rare work by Francisco Manuel de Melo, published in Lisbon between 1648 and 1649 by Paulo Craesbeeck's printing house. This is a biography of Saint Augustine, bishop of Hippo, in which the author seeks to extol his figure as a model of conversion and Christian virtue. This original edition precedes the inclusion of the text in the Obras Morales , later published in Rome, 1664.

In addition to the present edition, two other independent editions are known: one published in Zaragoza (1674) and another in Alcalá (1688), both equally rare and sought after by collectors.

Extremely rare edition, not appearing in most of the major catalogues consulted.

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