Asta 82 Parte 1 Judaica – Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters, Ceremonial
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Chavatzelet HaSharon - On the Book of Daniel - Venice, 1591 - Second Edition - Signatures and Ownership Inscriptions

Venduto per: $400
Prezzo iniziale:
$ 400
Commissione per la casa d'aste: 25%
IVA: 17% Solo su commissione
24.8.21 in Kedem

Chavatzelet HaSharon - On the Book of Daniel - Venice, 1591 - Second Edition - Signatures and Ownership Inscriptions
Chavatzelet HaSharon, commentary on the Book of Daniel, with the text of Daniel, by R. Moshe Alshech. Venice: Zuan (Giovanni) di Gara, [1591]. Second edition.
Many signatures and ownership inscriptions on the title page and other leaves, including of Tzvi Hirsh son of R. Shmuel of Reisha (possibly the father of the Pnei Yehoshua), R. Shlomo son of R. Mendele Zamotch (dayan in Frankfurt am Main), and R. Chaim HaLevi Abtar Zghul (a rabbi in Damascus and Jerusalem, author of Darkei Chaim on Pirkei Avot).
110 leaves. 19 cm. Fair-good condition. Many stains, including dampstains and dark stains. Open tears to title page, slightly affecting text, and open tears to final leaves, affecting text, repaired in part with paper. Inner margins of several leaves reinforced with paper. Minor worming. Many handwritten inscriptions. Leaves trimmed close to heading in several places. New leather binding, with minor damage.