Asta 12 Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
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LOTTO 223:

Collection of Books of Responsa and Halacha

Prezzo iniziale:
$ 600
Commissione per la casa d'aste: 23%
IVA: 17% Solo su commissione
21.10.10 in Kedem

Collection of Books of Responsa and Halacha
1. Chamudei Daniel, Rabbi Daniel of Horonda (Grodno). Grodno, 1810. First edition. Printed on bluish greenish paper.
2. Machatzit HaShekel, Rabbi Shmuel Klein. Poryck, 1819. Two parts. Part 1 opens with two title pages, one partially printed with red ink, year of printings written 1870. Owners' inscriptions. Original leather cover.
3. Tiv Gittin VeYad Ephraim, Rabbi Ephraim Zalman Margaliot. Zholkva, 1822. First edition of complete book. Includes three rare leaves at end.
4. Bayit Chadash HeChadashot, responsa by Rabbi Yoel Sirkis. Korets, [1785]. Damaged title page, missing last leaf replaced with photocopy.
5. Yemin Moshe, laws of shechita and treifot by Rabbi Yosef Karo, with Rama's glosses, by Rabbi Moshe Vintura of Jerusalem. Edited and brought to print: Rabbi Chaim Moshe Krigal. Hague, [1777-1778]. Separate title pages: Zicharon Livnei Yisrael; Shochatei HaYeladim.
6. Responsa of Rabbi Yehuda Mintz and Rabbi Meir Kazenelbogen of Padua. [Russia-Poland, c. 1830], "as printed in Furth".
Total of 6 books, varied size and condition.
From Dr. Israel Mehlman's private collection.