Asta 12 Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
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LOTTO 234:

Collection of Books and Booklets in Ladino

Venduto per: $380
Prezzo iniziale:
$ 350
Commissione per la casa d'aste: 23%
IVA: 17% Solo su commissione
21.10.10 in Kedem

Collection of Books and Booklets in Ladino
1. (il) libro di la lay, los profitas, i las iscitoras [Torah, Nevi'im and Ketuvim] translated into Ladino. Constantinople, [1873].
2. [Shulchan Tahor, summary of Shulchan Aruch rules, by Rabbi David Pardo. Salonika, [c. 1840]. Opens: "siendo in isti dor…", in Rashi script. Printed with no title page. Last leaf missing. New parchment binding.
3. Darkei Ha'Adam, Mussar matters, by Rabbi Itzchak Amaragi. Salonika, [1849]. Ladino, Rashi script.
4. Sippur Ha'Ness. Story of the Purim miracle, Ladino. [Salonika, no date]. Bibliographically unknown, includes 24 pages ending with "La'Yehudim Hayta ora Ve'Simcha, Sasson Ve'Yikar".
5. G-d Shama'ati Shime'cha Yareiti G-d. [Turkey? C. 1890]. Translation into Ladino of the liturgical poem, said before the return of the Shatz during the High Holidays in Sephardi communities. Lithographic print, red.
6. La Salvasyon, istoria moy interesanti. Izmir, [1913]. [="Salvation – Very Interesting Story"]. Story of the Jewish life in Germany during the 18th century. At the end is an additional story and a few jokes.
7. (Novilla) La bilya di la moeirti. Izmir, [1913]. "Death Ball", translation into Ladino of a story by Mark Twain.
Size and condition varies.