Asta 12 Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
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LOTTO 248:

Collection of Prayer Books Printed in Baghdad

Prezzo iniziale:
$ 180
Commissione per la casa d'aste: 23%
IVA: 17% Solo su commissione
21.10.10 in Kedem

Collection of Prayer Books Printed in Baghdad
1. Mo'adim L'Simcha, prayers for the festivals according to the custom of the Baghdad Community. Baghdad, [1907].
2-3. Kippur Tamim, Seder Tefila for Yom Kippur according to the custom of Sefardim and Baghdad and its outskirts. Baghdad, [1908]. Parts 1-2 in separate volumes.
4. Zikaron Tov, Seder Tefila for Rosh HaShana according to the custom of the Sefardim and Baghdad and its outskirts. Baghdad, [1908]. Owners' Oriental signatures on title page.
[Dr. Mehlman notes on the margins of Mo'adim L'Simcha, that Mo'adim L'Simcha, Zikaron Tov and Kippur Tamim joined together constitute a complete Machzor, which is very rare].
5. Seder Mincha V'Arvit L'Shalosh Regalim, with the blessing of Eruv and Kiddush of night and day, and birkat hamazon and the seven hakafot, and birkat ha'ilanot. Baghdad, [1912].
Varied size and condition.
From Dr. Israel Mehlman's private collection.