Avodat HaKodesh - First Book Printed in Jerusalem - Jerusalem, 1841
Avodat HaKodesh, laws, practices, segulot and Tikkunim, by R. Chaim Yosef David Azulai - the Chida. Jerusalem: R. Yisrael Bak, 1841.
Avodat Kodesh is a general name for the seven books of the Chida included in this volume.
The first Hebrew book printed in Jerusalem. The book begins with a foreword by the printer (leaves [2b]-[4]). This foreword is a renowned and notable source documenting the history of Eretz Israel, of the Galilee and of Damascene Jewry. The famous printer R. Yisrael Bak (1797-1874) was a disciple of leaders of the Chassidic movement, Rebbe Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev and R. Yisrael of Ruzhin. He operated a printing press in Berditchev, and later in Safed. After the earthquake of 1837, he established a printing press in Jerusalem - the first printing press in Jerusalem to print Hebrew books and the only press in the city until the 1860s.
[3], 111 leaves. Lacking first (engraved) title page.