Auction 35
By Raskolnikov Gallery
Nov 13, 2024
Санкт-Петербург, Russia
Михаил Аникушин, Петр Альберти, Сергей Бабков, Александр Бихтер, Вениамин Боголюбов и Владимир Ингал, Виктор Васин,   Константин Вещилов, Александр Задорин, Арон Зинштейн, Алексей Кривцов, Валерий Лукка, Вячеслав Михайлов, Хамид Савкуев, Маша Трегубенко,   Эмиль Гале [Emile Gallé] Дельфин Массие [Delphin-Massier], Пьер-Жюль Мене [Pierre-Jules Mene], Эмиль Луи Пико [E.Picault], Виктор Руссо [Victor Rousseau], Пьер Тургеньев [P.Tourgueneff], Josef Wind [Жозеф Винд], Федор Крушельницкий, Перикл Ксидиас, Олег Ломакин, Александр Парамонов, Юрий Подляский, Николай Прокопенко, Виктор Прошкин, Виктор Рейхет, Валентина Савельева, Лев Солодков,   Виктор Сонин, Николай Тимков, Олег Целков, Альберт Чаркин,   Андрей Яковлев, Виктор Ямщиков.
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LOT 39:

[1900s, Delphin-Massier & Co] Flowerpot, Delphin Massier, France, 1900s, majolica, brand on the bottom ...

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Start price:
150,000 p
Buyer's Premium: 17% More details

[1900s, Delphin-Massier & Co] Flowerpot, Delphin Massier, France, 1900s, majolica, brand on the bottom Delphin-Massier & Co, H.21.5 cm, D.neck 29.3 cm, max. D. 33 cm, stains inside (in the photo), collectible condition.
Clement Massier is considered the founder of the modern ceramics industry in Vallauris at the beginning of the 20th century. Creative by nature, Clement Massier (1844 Vallauris - 1917 Golfe-Juan) was the first worker from 1856 to his father Jacques (1801-1871). He was introduced to pottery by Gaetano Gandolfi, an Italian master ceramist hired by his father. Gandolfi was the initiator of several techniques, including glazed ceramics, which made the Massier company famous. From then on, the production was distinguished by its originality, abandoning utilitarian ceramics in favor of a purely artistic creation.
Condition:  Very good

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