Auction 9 Rare and special items
Aug 2, 2016 (Your local time)
 Harav Maimon 2, Jerusalem

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LOT 42:

Kuntress HaShemot by the Rebbe Rabbii Zvi Hirsch of Zidichov - Lemberg, 1849 - First Edition - Rare

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Sold for: $1,000
Start price:
$ 300
Auction house commission: 19%
VAT: On commission only

Kuntress HaShemot "And it is a long and expansive commentary on the sayings of the Holy Zohar at the beginning of Parshat Vayikra, and another few sayings of the Zohar (Darush Nunin of Vayehi Binsoa Ha'aron), commentary on Ma'amar Sitrei Torah of Parshat Vayetzei with holy letters from his Honor the author to his brother Rabbi Moshe and the second to Rabbi Shimcha Av Beit Din of Bobrka".
Lemberg, 1848. First edition. Extremely rare.
In the book before us are explanations on the Zohar which were not included in the author's first book "Ateret Zvi". These two books were printed after his death. His son-in-law, Rabbi Yehuda Zvi of Rozdol later related: "His sole desire and wish when he was alive was that his works on the Zohar would be published, whilst he was still alive I wanted them to be published and I asked him and he replied that he learned from his holy rabbis not to publish a work in the author's lifetime for a secret reason which cannot be revealed".
The Rebbe Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Eichenstein (1763-1831), founder of the dynasty of Zidichov Chassidut, the son of the Rebbe Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac of Zidichov and the primary student of Rabbi Boruch of Medzhybizh and the Chozeh of Lublin. He had a close relationship with the great Rebbes of his generation: Rabbi Moshe Leib of Sassov, Rabbi Yisrael (the Maggid) of Koznitz, Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Riminov, Rabbi Naftali of Ropshitz and Rabbi Avraham Yehoshua Heschel of Apta. Amongst his students were important Rebbes, amongst them all of his brothers and nephews, and his nephew Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac Safrin of Komarno. The Malbim learnt Kabbalah from him in his youth.
Rabbi Zvi Hirsch was a great scholar of both the hidden and revealed Torah. He was a well-known Kabbalist who dealt expansively with Kabbalah and wrote works on it, so much so that he was known as "Sar Beit HaZohar". He was active in spreading Chassidut in Galicia. He was greatly admired by the great Rebbes of his generation. Rabbi Chaim Halberstam of Sanz once said: When someone in Galicia says "Rebbe" with no identifying details, they are referring to the author of the "Ateret Zvi". Rabbi Yechezkel Shraga Halberstam of Sieniawa compared the journey to Zidichov on the 11th Tammuz to a journey to the tomb of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai in Meron on Lag Ba'Omer!
Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum of Satmar, who was born many years after Rabbi Zvi Hirsch died, referred to him in his books as "My Master and Teacher the 'Ateret Zvi'", and said: "I am connected to his books as I would have been connected to him, had we lived in the same period". The Rebbe the author of "Shomrei Emunim", Rabbi Aharon Roth, quotes the "Ateret Zvi" dozens of times in his books, and describes him with glorious descriptions.
He died in 1831. The great leader Rabbi Shlomo Kluger eulogized him.
His works are fundamental books in Chassidic philosophy, and brought light to the entire world: "Ateret Zvi", "Sur Me'Ra V'Aseh Tov" "Pri Kodesh Hillulim" and more.
Before us is an important Kabbalistic book from the Rebbe. The book is very extremely rare, and has never before been up for auction!
(1), 2, (15) leaves.
Condition: Good-Fair. Many restorations. Without a cover.

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