Auction 63 Rare and Important Items
Nov 13, 2018
 8 Ramban St, Jerusalem.
The auction has ended

LOT 34:

Letter of Halachic Responsum Handwritten and Signed by the Shoel UMeshiv – Lviv, 1852

Sold for: $4,600
Start price:
$ 4,000
Estimated price:
Auction house commission: 23%
VAT: 17% On commission only

Letter of Halachic Responsum Handwritten and Signed by the Shoel UMeshiv – Lviv, 1852
Lengthy letter (approx. 65 lines) handwritten and signed by R. Yosef Shaul Natansohn, author of Shoel UMeshiv, addressed to R. Yaakov Shlomo Heilprin, a rabbi of Premishlan (Peremyshliany). [Lviv], Adar 1852.
Interesting halachic responsum, regarding disqualifying a Shochet in Premishlan. In this responsum, the Shoel UMeshiv discusses laws of testimony and dayanim, and responds to several responsa and polemic letters sent to him regarding this Shochet. This responsum discloses the interesting combination of R. Yosef Shaul's leadership. On the one hand, his resolute defence of the honor of the dayanim of the city, and his great concern for upholding Kashrut, on the other hand, his obvious considerateness and sensitivity for the dignity and livelihood of the disqualified Shochet (even adding in the address a special request to be particular not to deprive the emissary of his tip).
The Shoel UMeshiv writes his clear conclusion, prohibiting that Shochet to act as Shochet and Bodek in Premishlan, but on the other hand requests that the town find a different source of livelihood for his family. He writes with decisiveness yet compassion: "Accept my compassion for this person and his family, undoubtedly children depend on him, and these young sheep, what wrong did they commit, therefore my beloved friends, provide him with some source of income, until he repents, admits his wrongdoing and undertakes not to return to his foolishness, then he will be able to find sustenance for himself and his household, whether in this city or in different places. And it is very distressing that he was enticed to behave so, and lost his source of sustenance by his own fault… and until his fitness is established with unequivocal testimony, he is henceforth disqualified from ritual slaughtering. This too I do out of mercy for him, but there is no mercy in judgement, and I will not make my Torah a deception, and the One whose Name is truth should guide me in the path of the truth, since my whole aspiration is for truth".
In the lines of the address, an interesting note is added in the handwriting of the Shoel UMeshiv, requesting a tip be paid to the emissary transmitting this letter.
R. Yosef Shaul Natansohn (1808-1875) was a leading Torah scholar in Galicia. Already in his youth, he composed together with his brother-in-law R. Mordechai Zev Ettinger the books Mefarshei HaYam on Bava Kama and Magen Giborim on Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim. He sent responses to thousands of queries, and authored many books: Responsa Shoel UMeshiv – 15 parts; Divrei Shaul on the Torah, Rambam and Shulchan Aruch; Yadot Nedarim and others. From 1857, he served as Chief Rabbi of Lviv, which was the largest and principal Galician community. After his passing, he was eulogized by R. Shlomo Zalman Spitzer (son-in-law of the Chatam Sofer): "A leader of outstanding Torah scholars, master of the entire Jewish people… whom all the leading Torah scholars of our times addressed their questions to on difficult matters… he was holy from birth and was raised in holiness to Torah and worship of G-d… already 40 years ago, my father-in-law the Chatam Sofer praised him effusively and termed him a Gaon...".
The recipient of the letter: R. Yaakov Shlomo Heilprin (1827-1895), rabbi of Dunayev and Premishlan, was the son of R. Dov Berish Heilprin Rabbi of Premishlan. He maintained close ties with R. Yosef Shaul Natansohn, and judging by the large number of responsa addressed to him contained in Responsa Shoel UMeshiv, it appears that he was one of his confidants. He composed the booklet Yefeh Anaf on the history of the Heilprin family.
[1] double leaf, 21.5 cm. 2 written pages. Fair-good condition. Marginal wear. Creases and folding marks.
This responsum was printed based on this manuscript in Responsa Shoel UMeshiv seventh edition (Jerusalem, 1995), Yoreh De'ah section 2, pp. 108-110 (with a few errors).