Subasta 8 Ancient books, & Rabbis Letters.
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Even Pina - Disciple of the Kozhnitzer Maggid - Copy of Harav Hatzaddik, Rav Pinchas Aryeh HaCohen Rappaport- ...

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17/03/2020 en tzfunot

Even Pina - Disciple of the Kozhnitzer Maggid - Copy of Harav Hatzaddik, Rav Pinchas Aryeh HaCohen Rappaport- The Yismach Moshe's Shofar Blower in אוהעל and his son, Rav Avraham Kahana Rappaport

Sefer Even Pina- commentary on the Shulchan Aruch, section Even Haezer by Rav Aryeh Leib Halevi, Av Beis Din of Strzyżów. Includes text of the Shulchan Aruch.
Lemberg, 5564 [1804]. First Edition.
The author [5495-5563 approx.] was a disciple of the Kozhnitzer Maggid and served as Rav of Strzyzow and other communities. He was considered one of the gedoley hador- in revealed as well as mystical aspects of Torah. Among his disciples was his cousin- Rav Moshe Teitelbaum of אוהעל, author of Yismach Moshe, who actually wrote a poem in this sefer's honor. With approbation of Rav Levi Yitzchak of Barditchev and others.
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Cut-off notation of ownership, stating that the sefer belongs to Rav Pinchas Aryeh Kahana Rappaport of אוהעל, the Baal Tokeah of the Admor- Rav Moshe Teitelbaum, Av Beis Din of אוהעל, known as the Yismach Moshe.
The Chassid and Tzaddik, Rav Pinchas Aryeh HaCohen Rappaport Hartstein, known as Rav Pinchas Samater. Born around year 5560 to his father Rav Yaakov HaCohen, son of Harav Hakadosh Rav Yitzchak Isaak HaCohen, author of 'Bris Kehunas Olam'. Passed away in 5613 and was buried beside his Rav- the Yismach Moshe. The following is written on his gravestone: 'The great Rav, one of the 'Bnei Heichala', the Gaon and Tzaddik, Chassid and Parush'.
He was a holy and very wondrous person, to the point that his grandson testifies: 'He was so famous in his righteousness and greatness in Torah, that people would tell stories about him in the same fashion that the disciples of the Baal Shem Tov z"l would relate. One time, he did not arrive on time to the Yismach Moshe's table, and the Yismach Moshe instructed to wait for him to recite the 'Bnei Heichalah' song (customarily recited before the Shabbos meal), explaining that Rav Pinchas himself was one of the holy Bnei Heichala!
In the sefer Yitav Panim, the author brings his Divrei Torah, stating 'I heard from Rav Pinchas Samater z"l...'
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Additional signature of ownership, stating that the sefer belongs to his son Rav Avraham Kahana Rappaport- close disciple of the Yismach Moshe of אוהעל and of the Divrei Chaim of Sanz. He held back-and-forth halachic correspondence with the gedoley hador of his generation and is mentioned in many responsa sefarim: Divrei Chaim, Avnei Tzedek, Ksav Sofer and more.
[2] 115 [3] pages. 34 cm. A few tears with slight damage to text on corners of last pages, on first two pages light restoration, general good condition.
Stefansky, chassidus 3.