Auction 11 Rare Hebrew Books & Manuscripts, Rabbinic Letters and Judaica
By Taj Art
Dec 24, 2023
Jerusalem, Israel
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LOT 199:

Two Letters from the Rabbinical Committee of Vilnius with Signatures of the Secretary and Committee Member Rabbi ...

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Start price:
$ 500
Estimated price :
$1,000 - $1,500
Buyer's Premium: 25% More details
VAT: 18% On commission only
Auction took place on Dec 24, 2023 at Taj Art

Two Letters from the Rabbinical Committee of Vilnius with Signatures of the Secretary and Committee Member Rabbi Avraham Yaakov Hakohen, son of 'Cheshek Shlomo'. Vilnius, 1930.
Before us are two interesting letters in Hebrew and Yiddish sent on behalf of the Rabbinical Committee of Vilnius, bearing the committee's stamps and the signatures of the Secretary and Committee Member Rabbi Avraham Yaakov Hakohen.

One letter in Hebrew, addressed to the Department of Religious Affairs within the Community Committee, requests, on behalf of the Rabbinical Committee, an 80% increase in the salaries of the rabbis 'in light of the rise in prices for all human needs and the decline in the currency's value, which the current rabbis' salaries cannot cover.' Below, Rabbi Hakohen provides a calculation of the current and proposed salaries for the rabbis, supervisors, and shamashim. He concludes with a note that the expenses of the Rabbinical Committee have increased due to the rising costs of paper and printing, and no additional funding has been provided to them.

The second letter in Yiddish, addressed to the Department of Children's Affairs within the Community Committee.

Rabbi Avraham Yaakov Hakohen (5649-5700, 1869-1940) was a rabbi and scholar in Vilnius, succeeding his father Rabbi Shlomo Hakohen, who was a prominent rabbi and scholar in the city and the author of the books 'Cheshek Shlomo' and 'Shu"t Binyan Shlomo.' He learned Torah from his father. After his father's passing in 1906, he assumed the position. Rabbi Hakohen was a member of the Rabbinical Committee in Vilnius and also served as the treasurer of the central charity fund in Vilnius, overseeing the charity allocations and the salaries of the city's rabbis and scholars.

Vilnius, [1930].
[2] pages. 16 cm and 18 cm. Very good condition.

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