מכירה פומבית 54 חלק א' autographs
The Arc
Набережная Тараса Шевченко д. 3, רוסיה
Autographed books from the library of Nikita Bogoslovsky, Emilia Kartina, Genrikh Popov, Semyon Shurtakov, a poem autograph by Mikhail Tukhachevsky, congratulatory addresses to the Minister of Finance of the USSR and other inscripts.
המכירה הסתיימה

פריט 517:

Autograph Em. Kazakevich. Eminem. Kazakevich's the Blue notebook. Story. The design of the artist I. zhihareva. + ...

  לפריט הקודם
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נמכר ב: 750р
מחיר פתיחה:
400 р
עמלת בית המכירות: 10% למידע נוסף
המכירה התקיימה בתאריך 19.9.20 בבית המכירות The Arc

Autograph Em. Kazakevich. Eminem. Kazakevich's the Blue notebook. Story. The design of the artist I. zhihareva. + postcard
M. Fiction. 1961 148 p. Hardcover, reduced format. Condition: excellent.

Emmanuel Kazakevich (1913-1962) — Russian and Jewish Soviet writer, poet, translator, screenwriter. He wrote prose works mainly in Russian, poetry in Yiddish. In 1932 he moved with his parents to Birobidzhan. He was a foreman, engineer, head of the site and, finally, the head of the construction of the city Palace of culture, then the Chairman of the Jewish collective farm "Valdheim" (1932), the organizer of the Jewish youth theater (TRAM), then the Director of the Birobidzhan state Jewish theater (Birgoset, 1933-1934), as well as the Chairman of the regional broadcasting in Yiddish, in 1935-1938 — a staff member and head of the literary part of the newspaper "Birobidzhaner stern" and head of the literary part of the Birobidzhan State ahhh! In 1941-1945 he served in the army. Career from an ordinary scout to the head of the intelligence division, captain — assistant chief of intelligence of the army. The "blue notebook" became part of the "return to Lenin" process characteristic of the "thaw", when it seemed to many that the "restoration of Lenin's norms of life" would be able to solve all the problems of our time. The peculiarity of Kazakevich's story is that Lenin is shown not so much acting as thinking. From Kazakevich's letter to Khrushchev: "Over two years ago I finished the story "the Blue notebook" (originally it was called "Lenin in the Spill"). More than two years all praise it, want to print, but do not print... After many months of work and long discussions, the story, in an improved, corrected form, was resolved by the Central Committee of the party. It was read and approved by comrades Suslov, Mukhitdinov, Pospelov. The story is typed, laid out, promised readers in the first issue for 1961 and... banned again."

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