LOT 102: Book of Yosifon (Josephus). Translated Into Yiddish. Amsterdam, 1661. Never Before Offered At Public Auction! Unique Edition with Numerous Engravings. Exceedingly Rare. Early edition of The Book of Yosifon, translated into Yiddish-Deitsch (German in Hebrew letters). The book chronicles Jewish ...
LOT 103: Sefer Minhagim With Illustrations. Furth, 1756. Fundamental book of Ashkenaz customs, and the Rema’s customs on the Shulchan Aruch. Authored by Rabbi Eizik Tirnau. Yiddish edition with woodcut illustrations. The title page of this copy lists the date 1752 instead of 1756. Illustrated title ...
LOT 104: Sefer HaMinhagim. Miniature, Illustrated Edition. Amsterdam, 1724. . An Extremely Rare and Important Book! Sefer HaMinhagim on the order of the creation of the world. The order of Brachot for the entire year with 15 magnificent woodcut illustrations. These type of Minhagim Books were once in ...
LOT 105: Minhagim. Frankfurt, 1717. Unknown Illustrations. Exceedingly Rare, Not Seen in Public Auctions. An Important Sefer Minhagim in Yiddish-Deitsch. With tens of woodcut illustrations. By Shimon Levi Ginzburg. Antique handwritten ownership listing on the final page: “Yoel son of R’ Avraham zt”l of ...
LOT 106: Divrei Nechemya. Berlin, 1713. Sabbatean Book That Was Disguised as a Kabbalistic Book. Single Edition. The book, Divrei Nechemya is comprised of Homiletic Kabbalistic Torah novellae, authored by the Sabbatean Nechemya Chiya Chayun. The title page includes an embossing of the word ‘Amsterdam’ ...
LOT 107: Tzena Ur’ena With Illustrations. Amsterdam, 1765. Preserved Copy. Rare!. Tzena Ur’ena Bnot Zion, is a commentary culled from Midrashic explanations on Chamishah Chumshei Torah, Megillot and Haftorot. Authored by Rabbi Yaakov son of Rabbi Yitzchak. This edition includes for the first time, the ...
LOT 108: The First Tanach Printed in Yiddish. Amsterdam 1676-1679. Printed by Uri Feivish HaLevi. "Chamisha Chumshei Torah, Neviim ve'Ketuvim Bilshon Askenaz" The Five Books of the Torah, Prophets and Writings in Yiddish. Translation completed by Yekutiel b. Isaac Blitz. With "To'aliyot HaRalbag" by ...
LOT 109: Even HaEzer Ra’avan. Pedigree Copy with Rare and Prominent Signatures and Stamps. Prague, 1610. First Edition. Sefer Yesod!. Even HaEzer Sefer Ra’avan comprises of practical Halachic rulings of all aspects of the Torah. The book fuses this with accounts of Jewish leaders of that era, often ...
LOT 110: Shnei Luchot HaBrit, SheLaH. Amsterdam, 1698. Sefer Yesod! . Magnificent Copy. Shnei Luchot HaBrit authored by Rabbi Yeshaya HaLevi Horowitz of Frankfurt, known as the SheLaH HaKadosh, Shin Lamed Hey being the acronym of his book’s title. With ‘Vavei Amudim’ by Rabbi Shabtai Sheftil Horowitz ...
LOT 111: Massechet Niddah, the Prominent Bomberg Edition. Venice, 1520. Wonderful Copy in Antique Vellum Binding. . Post-Incunabula. First edition of Massechet Niddah.The Venice Shas was the first complete edition of the Talmud Bavli. It was printed by Daniel Bomberg in 1520-1523. In addition to ...
LOT 112: Shulchan Aruch (Choshen Mishpat). Venice, 1574. Small Format. Shulchan Aruch, Choshen Mishpat Volume by Rabbi Yosef Caro. Early edition of the Shulchan Aruch printed in small format, “In order that it should be carried close to them, to study it at all times…” Venice, 1574. Juan di Gara ...
LOT 113: Shnot Chayyim. Amsterdam 1765. Single Edition. ספרי משלי וקהלת עם פירוש שנות חיים מאת רבי חיים יודתנש [מזיא], המחבר היה 'עיקר הקהל' [=ראש הקהל] בפראג. פנים ספר משלי ומסביב פירוש רש"י ופירוש שנות חיים, ופנים ספר קהלת עם פירוש שנות חיים. עם הסכמות מעניינות של רבני הקהילות באמשטרדם האשכנזית – ...
LOT 114: HaTzad Zvi. Nechemya Hayun. Amsterdam, 1714. Sabbatean Polemic. The book, HaTzad Zvi, authored by the Sabbatian, Nechemya Chiya Hayun, a famed Sabbatian Kabbalist. In this book, Nechemya Hayun responds to Chacham Zvi who opposed Hayun’s book ‘Oz Lelokim’ and contested Hayun’s Sabbatian ...
LOT 115: Novellae From the Book Elchanan on the Torah. Offenbach, 1722. Volume With Rabbi Elchanan’s Novellae on Masechet Avot. Offenbach, 1731. Exceedingly Rare!. The Book of Novellae from the Book of Elchanan is “an elucidation on the Torah from Bereishit until L’Einei kol Yisrael”. At the end is a ...
LOT 116: Safah Brurah. The Tanach Dictionary in Five Languages. Amsterdam, 1701. Safar Brurah is a book in five languages; Biblical Hebrew, Ashkenaz (German), French, Italian and Latin, simply translated. It is translations on all words of Tanach, with the addition of some words in the Mishna. The ...
LOT 117: Ohr HaTorah (Shtei Yadot). Amsterdam, 1658. Pedigree Copy. The book, Ohr Torah “is the first finger of the book, Shtei Yadot, authored by MaHaram de Lonzano…in it you will find the perfect corrected version of glosses on the Torah culled from book and writers, Psuchot Usetumot, Chaserot ...
LOT 118: Chesed LeAvraham. Sulzbach, 1685. First Edition. Kabbalah. The book, Chesed LeAvraham authored by the saintly Kabbalist, Rabbi Avraham Azulai, the grandfather of the Chida. This is a most prominent Kabbalah book, dealing with the topic of reward and punishment, among others. Some leaves ...
LOT 119: Chesed LeAvraham. Amsterdam, 1685. First Edition. A famous Kabbalah Book. The book, Chesed LeAvraham is comprised of Kabbalah topics authored by the Kabbalist Rabbi Avraham Azulai. This is a first edition of a famed Kabbalah work. The book is often quoted by later generations as well as ...
LOT 120: Bi’urim. Forged Composition That Sparked a Controversy! Venice, 1593. Single Edition. Illustrations and Map of the Land of Israel. Bi’urim. Commentary on Rashi on the Torah. Authored by Rabbi Natan Shapiro of Grodno. With illustrations and map of the Land of Israel. On leaf 28 appears a ...
LOT 121: Satmar Polemic. Milchemet Mitzvah HaChadash. Polemic and Rabbis’ Letters Regarding the Appointment of the Admor, Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum to the Rabbinate of the Town of Satmar. Satu-Mare, 1929. Protocols, letters and Halachic rulings from Rabbis of Romania and Hungary, supporting the appointment ...
LOT 122: Unique Americana! A Personal Pictorial Album of the Pentateuch, with Select Verses and Moral Lessons. 1905. . A unique and beautiful piece of Americana: a personal pictorial album of the Pentateuch, with images and Biblical verses, compiled by Hadassah Levine, and written in her beautiful and ...
LOT 123: Mamlechet David Ushlomo. Maps of Eretz Israel and Its Environs. (Illustrations of the Tower of Babel.) Johann Matthias Hase. Nuremberg, 1739. Latin. The Kingdom of David and Solomon. A geographical and historical depiction. By Johann Matthias Hase. A research book on the topic of the Kingdom of ...
LOT 124: Prayer For Stopping Wars. Regensburg, 1640. The earliest Jewish prayer for the cessation of battle. This leaf contains an exceedingly unique and rare Jewish prayer for peace and a cessation of war. This is a most early prayer, composed in Regensburg, Germany, in wake of The Thirty Years’ War. ...
LOT 125: Tikkunei HaMoadim. Polemic. Not Seen In Public Auctions. Furth, 1724-1729. Single Edition. Most Rare!. Prayers, Tikkunim and Ethics. In Hebrew and Yiddish-Deitsch. Two parts in one volume, each section with its individual title page. At the top of both title pages appear an antique, ownership ...
LOT 126: Amazing Discovery: A Personal Handwritten Prayer Book, with Kabbalistic Customs and Influences by the Sage Rabbi Avraham Hamuy of Aleppo, Whose Fascinating Image is Shrouded in Mystery. A fascinating and unique miniature manuscript containing a special siddur for traveling and wandering. The ...
LOT 127: Prayer Book ‘Tefillah LeDavid’. Personal Prayer Book of The Admor, Reb Duvid’l of Lelov zt”l. Manuscript of the Siddur Kavanot HaRashash. Magnificent, personal copy that the Admor Reb Duvid’l of Lelov used, pouring out his heart to his Creator, and scaling great spiritual heights. This is the ...
LOT 128: "Minchot Yaakov Solet" - With the Signature of Maran HaChida (Rabbi Haim Yosef David Azulai) Wilhemsdorf, [1731]. Single edition. Rare. Practical Kabbalah and Segulot. The book "Minchot Yaakov Solet" contains letters, healing remedies, and segulot based on practical Kabbalah. It was written by ...
LOT 129: Mizbe’ach Kapparah. Lemberg, 1861. Personal Copy of MaHaram Shapiro of Lublin, With His Handwritten Gloss. Mizbe’ach Kapparah on Seder Kodshim with glosses and annotations by Rabbi Yosef Shaul HaLevi Nathanson. At the end of the book is the booklet, Ronu LeYaakov, authored by Rabbi Yaakov son ...
LOT 130: Manuscript of Torah Novellae by Rabbi Shlomo Kluger, The Maggid of Brody. Four Full Pages. Prominent autographed manuscript of Torah novellae penned by Rabbi Shlomo Yaakov Yosef Kluger zt”l, one of Galicia’s leading Torah sages. Two unusually large leaves (four full pages in total), penned ...
LOT 131: The Holy Handwriting of the Vilna Gaon! Two Kabbalistic Pages with the Gra's Extensive Handwritten Text. An Amazing Historical Discovery. Hundreds of words from the holy hand of the Great Torah Giant, The Gaon of Vilna.It was said of the Vilna Gaon that he did not assume anything big or ...
LOT 132: ארכיון מכתבים ענק מאת החזן הנודע של בית הכנסת חורבת רבי יהודה החסיד, רבי ישעיה ברדקי (ג' בכסלו ה'תר"ן). 477 פריטים. גזע קודש של גדולי ירושלים, רבי שמואל סלאנט, רבי ישעיה בארדקי, ורבי ישראל משקלובארכיון בן 477 מסמכים :להלן פירוט חלק מהפריטים *שני מכתבים על בלנק רשמי של בית הכנסת החורבה ...
LOT 133: ארכיון גדול עם עשרות רבות של מכתבים ממרן הרב עובדיה יוסף זצוק"ל ועוד גדולי ישראל בדור האחרון. 90 פריטי נייר. . אוסף מעניין ומיוחד מגדולי ישראל בדורנו. 43 מכתבים מוקלדים בנושאים שונים על בלנק רשמי של מרן הרב עובדיה יוסף ללא חתימת ידו. 15 מכתבי קבלת קהל אצל מרן הרב עובדיה יוסף על בלנק רשמי של ...
LOT 135: A Personal and Emotional Letter to Save the Radin Yeshiva, Written by Rabbenu the "Chafetz Chaim" to Rabbi Yona Marzbach, Rosh Yeshiva of the 'Kol Torah' and Chief Rabbi of Darmstadt. "Who is the man Who desires life Who loves all his days To see good..." "Three hundred and fifty of her ...
LOT 136: Folder With 130 Pages of Novellae on the Chapter ‘Yetziot HaShabbat’ in the Holy Handwriting of Rabbi Moshe Feinstein, Halachic Authority of his Generation! . Unique and rare collection of 130 handwritten pages, penned by the saintly Maran HaGaon Rabbi Moshe Feinstein zt”l. Includes scholarly ...
LOT 137: Unknown Sermon and Eulogy on the Chatam Sofer zt”l. Authored by Rabbi Yisrael Lipshitz, Author of ‘Tiferet Yisrael’, in his Saintly Handwriting. 7 Adar 5600, (1840). “VaYamat Sham Moshe Eved Hashem”. Never been published. Sermon on the demise of Moshe Rabbeinu and eulogy on the passing of ...
LOT 138: Chiddushim of the 'Chatam Sofer' on Shabbat: Two Manuscript Pages filled with the Holy Handwriting of the Light of Israel. . A Marvelous Segulah! "And those who are used to studying his teshuvot feel that they were written with holiness and supreme awe" (HaGaon of Shamloy). Two pages (a ...
LOT 139: Autographed Leaf Penned in the Saintly Handwriting of the Holy Kabbalist, Rabbi Yaakov Tzemach zy”a. 5422. This is a most rare manuscript, penned by leading Kabbalist, Rabbi Yaakov Tzemach. This manuscript is a homiletic piece on the Zohar on Parshat Tazriah. Rabbi Yaakov Tzemach ...
LOT 140: Wonderful Discovery: Autograph Manuscript Copy of a Book Based on a Dream, and Never Printed, in the Holy Handwriting of the Author – Sefer "Brit Karuta" by Rabbi Avraham Hakohen Skali, on the issues relating to circumcision. This is a beautiful and well-preserved manuscript, written in a ...
LOT 141: Drush LeShabbat Kallah. Holy Manuscript of the Resh Galuta Maran Rabbeinu Yosef Chaim, The Ben Ish Chai, With Many Blessings For Protection and Success. Bagdad, 1906. never been published !. Complete autographed booklet that apparently never been printed. Extremely lengthy sermon for ...
LOT 142: Manuscript Copy of a Polemical Karaite Book – "Emuna Amen" by Abraham ben Yeshiyahu of Jerusalem, Composed in 1712, and hand-copied in 1756. A handwritten copy of an early polemical Karaite sefer, "Emuna Amen", compiled by the Karaite Avraham ben Yeshiyahu of Jerusalem, and copied by Avraham ...
LOT 143: A Manuscript Copy of the Fundamental Kabbalistic book "Sha'ar HaMitzvot" (The Gate of the Commandments) by Rabbi Chaim Vital. Sofia, 1778. This is a handwritten copy of the book "Sha'ar HaMitzvot" by the divine Kabbalist Rabbi Chaim Vital, including a copy of the colophon by Rabbi Shmuel Vital. ...
LOT 144: כתב יד תימני - באור שחיטה שחיבר כמר יעקב בר אברהם וספר אבני זכרון לרבי שמואל ברזאני. . לפנינו קונטרס עם כתב יד תימני בכתיבה נאה של הלכות שחיטה "באור שחיטה" מאת יעקב בר אברהם. ושל וספר "אבני זכרון" על הלכות טריפות מאת הגאון רבי שמואל ברזאני (אדוני). שער מאויר עם מסגרת לספר "אבני זכרון". בשני ...
LOT 145: Yemenite Manuscript of Sefer Haftarot for the Whole Year. Mid-19th Century. A complete volume of the Haftarot, written in a Yemenite hand, for the whole year -including the holidays – with vocalization and cantillation marks. Handsome and elegant Yemeni script, executed in thick black ink. ...
LOT 146: A Rare Yemenite Manuscript of Rashi on the Torah. A small volume containing a hand-written copy in Yemenite script, of Rashi's commentary on most of the Torah passages – without the biblical text. It is quite rare to find a manuscript containing only Rashi's commentary, without the text of the ...
LOT 147: A Kabbalistic Yemenite Manuscript Dealing with Matters of Medicine, Horoscopes and Segulot. An Interesting Yemenite manuscript addressing matters of practical Kabbalah - medicine, horoscopes, and segulot. The manuscript includes various oaths, names and angel writing. The volume is undated. ...
LOT 148: Manuscript, Commentary on Shir HaShirim by Rabbi Avraham HaLevi Temech “Leader of his Generation and One of Girona’s Greatest Sages”. Circa 1530. Complete manuscript, commentary on Shir HaShirim by Rabbi Avraham HaLevi son of Rabbi Yitzchak Temech, based on both revealed and hidden parts of the ...
LOT 149: A Pesak Din by the Rabbinical Court of Marrakesh, Written in the Holy Handwriting of Rabbi Yitzhak ben Rabbi Yaakov Pinto, with his signature and the signatures of the distinguished Rabbi Yaakov Shlomo Harush and Rabbi Avraham Kukis. Meknes, 1773. This is a rare handwritten document of a legal ...
LOT 150: A Handwritten Halakhic Response by the Eminent Rabbi of Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto, the Gaon Rabbi Yeshayahu Bassan. A rare letter written entirely in the holy handwriting of the Gaon Rabbi Yeshayahu Bassan, with his signature. Letters in the handwriting of Rabbi Yeshayahu Bassan are extremely ...
LOT 151: Halachic Ruling in the Handwriting of the 'Baba Meir' - Rabbi Meir Shalom Abuhatzeira, with an Additional Clarification in the Handwriting of the Holy 'Baba Sali', may his merit protect us. A rare page written in the city of Erfoud, containing a halachic ruling regarding the portion of the ...
LOT 152: Supplement and Approval for a Handwritten Psak Din, Sanctified and Signed by the Holy "HaMalumad B'Nissim" Rabbi Yehuda Ben Attar and the Great Sages of Meknes. Three pages containing the ruling of HaYaavetz and HaMashbir from the year 5799, copied and signed by the sages of Meknes, Rabbi ...
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